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Text File | 2009-09-18 | 133.6 KB | 4,507 lines |
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict; # -*- perl -*-
- # This is foomatic-configure, a program to establish and configure
- # print queues, drivers, spoolers, etc using the foomatic database and
- # companion filters.
- # It also comprises half of a programatic API for user tools: you can
- # learn and control everything about the static properties of print
- # queues here. With the sister program foomatic-printjob, you can do
- # everything related to print queue dynamic state: submit jobs, and
- # query, cancel, reorder, and redirect them.
- use Foomatic::Defaults;
- use Foomatic::DB;
- use Data::Dumper;
- # Connect syntax:
- #
- # This differs a tad from CUPS's, partly because everything is
- # supposed to be a file, and CUPS doesn't entirely reflect that.
- # But I'm not really very particular...
- #
- # If a certain URI is not supported by all the spoolers, the spoolers
- # which support it are listed in parantheses, "direct" means direct,
- # spooler-less printing.
- #
- # usb:/path/device # Local USB printer
- # usb://make/model?serial=xxx # Printer-bound USB connection (CUPS)
- # parallel:/path/device # Local parallel printer
- # serial:/path/device # Local serial printer
- # file:/path/file # includes usb, lp, named pipes, other
- # hp:/bus/model?serial=xxx # HPLIP print queue (hpinkjet.sf.net)
- # hpfax:/bus/model?serial=xxx # HPLIP fax queue (hpinkjet.sf.net)
- # ptal:/provider:bus:name # HPOJ MLC protocol (hpoj.sf.net,obsolete)
- # mtink:/path/device # Epson inkjet through mtink daemon
- # # (for ink level monitoring when printing,
- # # http://xwtools.automatix.de/)
- # lpd://host/queue # LPD protocol
- # lpd://host # LPD protocol (default queue, CUPS only)
- # socket://host:port # TCP aka appsocket
- # socket://host # TCP aka appsocket (port 9100)
- # ncp://user:pass@host/queue # Netware (LPD, LPRng, direct)
- # smb://user:pass@wgrp/host/queue # Windows (CUPS, PPR, LPD, LPRng, direct)
- # stdout # Standard output (direct)
- # postpipe:"<command line>" # Free-formed backend command line
- # # (LPD, LPRng, direct)
- #
- # Read out the program name with which we were called, but discard the path
- $0 =~ m!/([^/]+)\s*$!;
- my $progname = ($1 || $0);
- my $debug = 0;
- # We use the library Getopt::Long here, so that we can have more than
- # one "-o" option on one command line.
- my($opt_q, $opt_f, $opt_w, $opt_n, $opt_N, $opt_L, $opt_ppd,
- $opt_d, $opt_p, $opt_s, $opt_C, $opt_R, $opt_D, $opt_Q, $opt_P,
- $opt_O, $opt_X, $opt_c, @opt_o, $opt_r, $opt_dd, $opt_nodd,
- $opt_att, $opt_delay, $opt_h);
- use Getopt::Long;
- Getopt::Long::Configure("no_ignore_case");
- GetOptions("q" => \$opt_q, # Quiet, non-interactive operation
- "f" => \$opt_f, # Force rebuild of PPD from database
- "w" => \$opt_w, # Cut GUI strings in the PPD to 39
- # characters (for CUPS Windows driver)
- "n=s" => \$opt_n, # queue Name
- "N=s" => \$opt_N, # human-readable Name (Model,
- # Description)
- "L=s" => \$opt_L, # Location
- "ppd=s" => \$opt_ppd, # PPD file
- "d=s" => \$opt_d, # Driver
- "p=s" => \$opt_p, # Printer
- "s=s" => \$opt_s, # Spooler
- "C" => \$opt_C, # Copy queue
- "R" => \$opt_R, # Remove queue
- "D" => \$opt_D, # set Default queue
- "Q" => \$opt_Q, # Query queue info
- "P" => \$opt_P, # Perl queue/printer/driver info output
- "O" => \$opt_O, # get printer support Overview
- "X" => \$opt_X, # query XML printer/driver/combo info
- "c=s" => \$opt_c, # printer Connection type
- "o=s" => \@opt_o, # default printing Options
- "r" => \$opt_r, # list Remote queues
- "backend-dont-disable=s" => \$opt_dd, # Do not disable CUPS
- # backends
- "backend-attempts=s" => \$opt_att, # Try that often when backend
- # fails
- "backend-delay=s" => \$opt_delay, # Delay in seconds between
- # retries of failed backend
- "h" => \$opt_h, # Help!
- "help"=> \$opt_h) || help();
- help() if $opt_h;
- my $db = new Foomatic::DB;
- overview() if $opt_O;
- get_xml() if $opt_X;
- my $force = ($opt_f ? 1 : 0);
- my $shortgui = ($opt_w ? 1 : 0);
- my $in_config = {'queue' => $opt_n,
- 'desc' => $opt_N,
- 'loc' => $opt_L,
- 'ppdfile' => $opt_ppd,
- 'driver' => $opt_d,
- 'printer' => $opt_p,
- 'spooler' => $opt_s,
- 'connect' => $opt_c,
- 'options' => \@opt_o,
- 'force' => $force,
- 'shortgui' => $shortgui,
- 'dd' => $opt_dd,
- 'att' => $opt_att,
- 'delay' => $opt_delay,
- 'foomatic' => 1};
- # If description and location contain only whitespace, use an empty string
- # instead
- if ((defined($in_config->{'desc'})) && ($in_config->{'desc'} =~ m!^\s*$!)) {
- $in_config->{'desc'} = "";
- }
- if ((defined($in_config->{'loc'})) && ($in_config->{'loc'} =~ m!^\s*$!)) {
- $in_config->{'loc'} = "";
- }
- my $action = ($opt_R ? 'delete' : 'configure');
- $action = ($opt_D ? 'default' : $action);
- $action = ($opt_Q ? 'query' : $action);
- $action = ($opt_P ? 'query' : $action);
- my $procs = { 'lpd' => { 'delete' => \&delete_lpd,
- 'configure' => \&setup_lpd,
- 'default' => \&default_lpd,
- 'query' => \&query_lpd },
- 'lprng'=>{ 'delete' => \&delete_lpd,
- 'query' => \&query_lpd,
- 'default' => \&default_lprng,
- 'configure' => \&setup_lpd },
- 'cups' =>{ 'delete' => \&delete_cups,
- 'query' => \&query_cups,
- 'default' => \&default_cups,
- 'configure' => \&setup_cups },
- 'pdq' =>{ 'delete' => \&delete_pdq,
- 'query' => \&query_pdq,
- 'default' => \&default_pdq,
- 'configure' => \&setup_pdq },
- 'ppr' =>{ 'delete' => \&delete_ppr,
- 'query' => \&query_ppr,
- 'default' => \&default_ppr,
- 'configure' => \&setup_ppr },
- 'direct'=>{'delete' => \&delete_direct,
- 'query' => \&query_direct,
- 'default' => \&default_direct,
- 'configure' => \&setup_direct } };
- if (!($opt_Q or $opt_P or defined($in_config->{'queue'}))) {
- # No queue manipulation without knowing the name of the queue
- print STDERR "You must specify a queue name with -n!\n";
- help();
- exit 1;
- }
- if (!defined($in_config->{'spooler'})) {
- my $takenfromconfigfile = 0;
- # Personal default spooler
- my $s;
- if (($> != 0) && (-f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.defaultspooler")) {
- $s = `cat $ENV{'HOME'}/.defaultspooler`;
- chomp $s;
- $takenfromconfigfile = 1;
- }
- # System default spooler
- if ((!defined($s)) && (-f "$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/defaultspooler")) {
- $s = `cat $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/defaultspooler`;
- chomp $s;
- $takenfromconfigfile = 1;
- }
- if (!defined($s)) {
- $s = detect_spooler();
- }
- die "Unable to identify spooler, please specify with -s\n"
- unless $s;
- if ((!$opt_q) && (!$takenfromconfigfile)) {
- print STDERR "You appear to be using $s. Correct? ";
- my $yn = <STDIN>;
- die "\n" if ($yn !~ m!^y!i);
- }
- $in_config->{'spooler'} = $s;
- }
- if ($in_config->{'printer'}) {
- # If the user supplies an old numerical printer ID, translate it to
- # a new clear-text ID
- $in_config->{'printer'} =
- Foomatic::DB::translate_printer_id($in_config->{'printer'});
- }
- # Call proper proc
- &{$procs->{$in_config->{'spooler'}}{$action}}($in_config);
- exit(0);
- # Common parts for queue creation/modification functions
- sub getoldqueuedata {
- my ($config, $reconf) = @_;
- my ($sourcespooler, $sourcequeue, $olddatablob, $beh);
- # Copy a queue
- if ($opt_C) {
- if ($#ARGV == 0) { # 1 argument -> queue from same spooler
- $sourcespooler = $config->{'spooler'};
- $sourcequeue = $ARGV[0];
- } elsif ($#ARGV == 1) { # 2 arguments -> queue from given spooler
- $sourcespooler = $ARGV[0];
- $sourcequeue = $ARGV[1];
- } else {
- die "Unsufficient options to copy a queue, " .
- "try \"$progname -h\"!\n";
- }
- # Read data from source queue
- if (!($olddatablob = load_datablob($sourcespooler, $sourcequeue))) {
- # It is not possible to copy the given source queue
- die "The source queue $sourcequeue does not exist " .
- "or is corrupted!\n";
- }
- # PPD file of the source queue, if it exists, and if the user
- # does not insist on using another PPD file, we must copy it
- my $sourceppd = $olddatablob->{'ppdfile'};
- if ((-r $sourceppd) && (!$config->{'ppdfile'})) {
- $config->{'ppdfile'} = $sourceppd;
- }
- # Stuff data into the $config structure, all items must be defined,
- # so that an old queue gets overwritten
- if ($olddatablob->{'queuedata'}) {
- my $i;
- for $i (('desc', 'loc', 'printer', 'driver', 'connect',
- 'ppdfile', 'dd', 'att', 'delay')) {
- if (!defined($config->{$i})) {
- if ($olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{$i}){
- $config->{$i} = $olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{$i};
- } elsif ($i eq 'dd') {
- $config->{$i} = 0;
- } elsif ($i eq 'att') {
- $config->{$i} = 1;
- } elsif ($i eq 'delay') {
- $config->{$i} = 30;
- } else {
- $config->{$i} = "";
- }
- }
- }
- # Check consistency of the printer/driver settings
- if ((($config->{'driver'} eq "") ||
- ($config->{'driver'} eq "raw") || # No new driver, printer,
- ($config->{'printer'} eq "")) && # PPD file
- ($config->{'ppdfile'} eq "") &&
- ((!defined($olddatablob->{'args'})) || # No existing options
- ($#{$olddatablob->{'args'}} < 0))) { # -> source queue raw
- $config->{'driver'} = "raw";
- $config->{'printer'} = undef;
- }
- # We do not need the queue data block any more
- delete($olddatablob->{'queuedata'});
- } else {
- # No Foomatic/PPD data
- $olddatablob = undef;
- }
- } else {
- # Load the datablob of the former configuration
- if ($reconf) {
- if ($olddatablob = load_datablob($config->{'spooler'},
- $config->{'queue'})) {
- # If the user has supplied only a printer or only a driver
- # fill in the second of the two fields in $config
- if ((!$config->{'ppdfile'}) &&
- ($olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{'foomatic'})) {
- if ((!$config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'})) {
- $config->{'driver'} = $olddatablob->{'driver'};
- }
- if ((!$config->{'printer'}) && ($config->{'driver'})) {
- $config->{'printer'} = $olddatablob->{'id'};
- }
- }
- # Extract URI and backend error handling data
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "cups") {
- $beh->{'uri'} = $olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{'connect'};
- $beh->{'dd'} = $olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{'dd'};
- $beh->{'att'} = $olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{'att'};
- $beh->{'delay'} = $olddatablob->{'queuedata'}{'delay'};
- }
- # We do not need the queue data block here
- delete($olddatablob->{'queuedata'});
- } else {
- $olddatablob = undef;
- }
- }
- }
- # If the user does not supply info about his printer and/or driver
- # and the queue did not exist before we assume that he wants to set up a
- # raw queue. To make a raw queue out of a formerly filtered one, one
- # has to use the driver name "raw".
- $config->{'driver'} = "" if not defined $config->{'driver'};
- $config->{'printer'} = "" if not defined $config->{'printer'};
- $config->{'ppdfile'} = "" if not defined $config->{'ppdfile'};
- my $nodriver = (((!$config->{'driver'}) && (!$config->{'printer'}) &&
- (!$config->{'ppdfile'})) ||
- ($config->{'driver'} eq "raw"));
- # Set to 1 when we retrieve a data set from the Foomatic database
- my $newfoomaticdata = 0;
- if ($nodriver) {
- if ($olddatablob) {
- if ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw") {
- # We couldn't determine a certain driver, probably we had a
- # native PostScript PPD file
- $db->{'dat'} = $olddatablob;
- } else {
- # For a raw queue overtake at least the $postpipe
- if (defined($olddatablob->{'postpipe'})) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = $olddatablob->{'postpipe'};
- }
- }
- }
- } elsif ($config->{'ppdfile'}) {
- if (! -r $config->{'ppdfile'}) {
- die "The PPD file \'$config->{'ppdfile'}\' does not exist or is " .
- "readable.\n";
- }
- # Load the data from the PPD file
- $db->getdatfromppd($config->{'ppdfile'});
- # Overtake the former default settings
- if ($olddatablob) {overtake_defaults($olddatablob)};
- # Overtake the former $postpipe
- if (defined($olddatablob->{'postpipe'})) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = $olddatablob->{'postpipe'};
- }
- } else {
- if (($olddatablob) &&
- ($olddatablob->{'driver'} eq $config->{'driver'}) &&
- ($olddatablob->{'id'} eq $config->{'printer'}) &&
- (!$config->{'force'})) {
- # Overtake data from the former configuration
- $db->{'dat'} = $olddatablob;
- } else {
- # Retrieve data from the Foomatic database
- if (!$config->{'driver'}) {
- die "You also need to specify a driver with \"-d\"!\n";
- }
- if (!$config->{'printer'}) {
- die "You also need to specify a printer with \"-p\"!\n";
- }
- # The printer is supported by the chosen driver? If yes, load
- # its data
- my $possible = $db->getdat($config->{'driver'},
- $config->{'printer'});
- die "That printer and driver combination is not possible.\n"
- if (!$possible);
- die "There is neither a custom PPD file nor the driver database entry contains sufficient data to build a PPD file.\n"
- if (!$db->{'dat'}{'cmd'}) && (!$db->{'dat'}{'ppdfile'});
- $newfoomaticdata = 1;
- # Overtake the former default settings
- if ($olddatablob) {overtake_defaults($olddatablob)};
- # Overtake the former $postpipe
- if (defined($olddatablob->{'postpipe'})) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = $olddatablob->{'postpipe'};
- }
- }
- }
- # When we have no arguments in the current configuration, we must have
- # a raw queue
- my $rawqueue = ((!defined($db->{'dat'}{'args'})) ||
- ($#{$db->{'dat'}{'args'}} < 0));
- # Set the default printing options supplied on the command line
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- set_default_options($config, $db->{'dat'});
- }
- # Printer model name (for comment field of the queue configuration)
- my ($make, $model, $makemodel);
- if (defined($db->{'dat'})) {
- $make = $db->{'dat'}{'make'};
- $model = $db->{'dat'}{'model'};
- $makemodel = $db->{'dat'}{'makemodel'};
- if (($make) && ($model)) {
- $makemodel = "$make $model";
- }
- }
- return ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel,
- ($config->{'spooler'} eq "cups" ? $beh : ()));
- }
- #fix to work on Ubuntu, where cupd runs not as root, but as cupsys user
- #like system ("chown cupsys $ppdfile"), but
- #changeowner function changes owner only if user exists on system
- sub changeowner {
- my ($username, $file) = @_;
- my ($uid,$gid) = (-1, -1);
- my $l;
- $l = getpwnam($username); $uid = $l if defined($l);
- $l = getgrnam($username); $gid = $l if defined($l);
- chown $uid, $gid, $file;
- }
- sub writeppdfile {
- my ($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata) = @_;
- # Save old $ppdfile, if any
- system("cp -f \'$ppdfile\' \'$ppdfile.old\'")
- if (-f $ppdfile);
- if ($rawqueue) {
- # Raw queue with $postpipe, use a "PPD" only containing the
- # $postpipe (LPRng, LPD, and no spooler only)
- if (((defined $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} && $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} ne "") &&
- (($config->{'spooler'} eq 'lprng') ||
- ($config->{'spooler'} eq 'lpd'))) ||
- ($config->{'spooler'} eq 'direct')) {
- open PPDFILE, "> $ppdfile" or die "Cannot write \'$ppdfile\'!\n";
- print PPDFILE "*PPD-Adobe: \"4.3\"\n*%\n";
- print PPDFILE "*% This is a raw (driverless/unfiltered) " .
- "queue, this PPD file only carries\n" .
- "*% the postpipe.\n*%\n";
- close PPDFILE;
- $db->ppdsetdefaults($ppdfile);
- chmod 0644, $ppdfile;
- #fix to work on Ubuntu, where cupd runs not as root, but as cupsys user
- #system ("chown cupsys $ppdfile");
- #changeowner function changes owner only if user exists on system
- changeowner("cupsys", $ppdfile);
- } else {
- if (-f $ppdfile) {
- unlink "$ppdfile" or die "Cannot delete \'$ppdfile\'!\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($config->{'ppdfile'}) {
- # Copy in the PPD file specified on the command line
- if ($config->{'ppdfile'} !~ /\.gz$/i) {
- # Uncompressed PPD file
- system("cp -f \'$config->{'ppdfile'}\' \'$ppdfile\'") and
- die "Cannot copy \'$config->{'ppdfile'}\' to \'$ppdfile\'!\n";
- } else {
- # Compressed PPD file
- system("$sysdeps->{'gzip'} -dc " .
- "\'$config->{'ppdfile'}\' > " .
- "\'$ppdfile\'") and
- die "Cannot copy \'$config->{'ppdfile'}\' to \'$ppdfile\'!\n";
- }
- # Set default option settings and $postpipe
- $db->ppdsetdefaults($ppdfile);
- } elsif ($newfoomaticdata) {
- # Generate the PPD file from the Foomatic database
- open PPDFILE, "> $ppdfile" or die "Cannot write \'$ppdfile\'!\n";
- print PPDFILE $db->getppd($config->{'shortgui'});
- close PPDFILE;
- } else {
- # Keep the previous PPD file, only set the options and the
- # $postpipe
- $db->ppdsetdefaults($ppdfile);
- }
- # Correct the permissions of the PPD file
- chmod 0644, $ppdfile;
- #fix to work on Ubuntu, where cupd runs not as root, but as cupsys user
- #system ("chown cupsys $ppdfile");
- #changeowner function changes owner only if user exists on system
- changeowner("cupsys", $ppdfile);
- }
- }
- ### Queue manipulation functions for both LPD and LPRng
- sub setup_lpd {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # Read the previous /etc/printcap
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- my ($ppdfile, $entry, $reconf, $p);
- for $p (@{$pcap}) {
- if ($p->{'names'}[0] eq $config->{'queue'}) {
- $entry = $p;
- $reconf = 1;
- print "Reconfigure of ", Dumper($p) if $debug;
- last;
- }
- }
- # PPD file name
- $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/lpd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'}) if !$ppdfile;
- # Get the data from the former queue if we reconfigure or copy a queue
- # do also some checking of the user-supplied parameters
- my ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel) =
- getoldqueuedata($config, $reconf);
- # Set the printer queue name line in /etc/printcap
- if (!$reconf) {
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $entry->{'names'}[0] = $config->{'queue'};
- $entry->{'names'}[1] = $config->{'desc'};
- $entry->{'names'}[2] = "$makemodel";
- $entry->{'names'}[3] = $config->{'loc'};
- } else {
- $entry->{'names'}[0] = $config->{'queue'};
- $entry->{'names'}[1] = $config->{'desc'};
- $entry->{'names'}[2] = "Raw queue";
- $entry->{'names'}[3] = $config->{'loc'};
- }
- } else {
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $entry->{'names'}[2] = "$makemodel";
- } else {
- if (($entry->{'names'}[2] eq "Raw queue") ||
- ($config->{'driver'} eq "raw")) {
- $rawqueue = 1;
- $entry->{'names'}[2] = "Raw queue";
- }
- }
- if (defined($config->{'desc'})) {
- $entry->{'names'}[1] = $config->{'desc'};
- }
- if (defined($config->{'loc'})) {
- $entry->{'names'}[3] = $config->{'loc'};
- }
- }
- # These lines are always in /etc/printcap
- $entry->{'str'}{'sd'} = sprintf('%s/%s',
- $sysdeps->{'lpd-dir'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- $entry->{'str'}{'lf'} = $sysdeps->{'lpd-log'};
- $entry->{'num'}{'mx'} = '0';
- $entry->{'bool'}{'sh'} = 1;
- # Lines depending on the printer/spooler
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lpd") {
- $entry->{'str'}{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile; # For the GPR printing GUI
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'ppd'};
- $entry->{'str'}{'if'} = $sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'};
- $entry->{'str'}{'af'} = $ppdfile;
- delete $entry->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'filter_options'};
- } elsif ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- $entry->{'str'}{'ppd'} = $ppdfile; # for LPRng PPD support
- $entry->{'str'}{'if'} = $sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'};
- $entry->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'} = 1;
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'ppdfile'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'af'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'filter_options'};
- } else {
- die "The spooler $config->{'spooler'} is not supported " .
- "by this function!\n";
- }
- } else {
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'if'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'af'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'filter_options'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'ppd'};
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lpd") {
- delete $entry->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'};
- } elsif ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- $entry->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'} = 1;
- } else {
- die "The spooler $config->{'spooler'} is not supported " .
- "by this function!\n";
- }
- }
- # If printing job has to be passed through a special program, put the
- # command line into $postpipe (for example for Socket, Samba, ...)
- my $postpipe = "";
- if ((!$reconf) or ($config->{'connect'})) {
- # Set up connection type
- # Remove "rm" and "rp" tags to avoid problems when overwriting a
- # raw queue
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'rm'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'rp'};
- # All URIs ("-c" option) have the same syntax as URIs in CUPS ("-v"
- # option of "lpadmin").
- my $file;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^(file|usb|parallel|serial):(.*)!) {
- # Local printer or printing to a file
- $file = $2;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^usb://!) {
- # Queue with printer-bound USB URI transferred from CUPS,
- # as LPD/LPRng does not support these URIs, translate it
- # back to a standard USB device URI
- $file = cups_usb_printer_uri_to_device_uri($file);
- }
- if (! -e $file) {
- warn "The device or file $file doesn't exist? " .
- "Working anyway.\n";
- }
- if (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate URI for ptal-printd to postpipe using the
- # "ptal-connect" command
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'} $devname -print";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- } else {
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = $file;
- }
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!) {
- # HPOJ MLC protocol
- my $devname = $1;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'} $devname -print";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^mtink:/(.+)$!) {
- # Printing through "mtinkd"
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/$1";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^lpd://([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- # Remote LPD
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remqueue = $2;
- if (($rawqueue) && ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lpd")) {
- $entry->{'str'}{'rm'} = $remhost;
- $entry->{'str'}{'rp'} = $remqueue;
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'lp'};
- } elsif( ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng")) {
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'rm'};
- delete $entry->{'str'}{'rp'};
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "$remqueue\@$remhost";
- } else {
- # classic LPD does not support sending jobs to a server with the
- # "rm" and "rp" tags in /etc/printcap and filtering it
- # before ("if" tag). So when we do not set up a raw queue,
- # we do not
- #
- # $entry->{'str'}{'rm'} = $remhost;
- # $entry->{'str'}{'rp'} = $remqueue;
- #
- # but use "rlpr" in a $postpipe. Note that "rlpr" prints a
- # banner page by default, "-h" suppresses it. "rlpr" must
- # be SUID "root".
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'rlpr'} -q -h -P " .
- "$remqueue\@$remhost";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- }
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~
- m!^socket://([^/:]+):([0-9]+)/?$!) {
- # Socket (AppSocket/HP JetDirect)
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remport = $2;
- if( ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng")) {
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "$remhost\%$remport";
- } else {
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'nc'} -w 1 $remhost $remport";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- }
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^smb://(.*)$!) {
- # SMB (Printer on Windows server)
- my $parameters = $1;
- # Get the user's login and password from the URI
- my $smbuser = "";
- my $smbpassword = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) {
- my $login = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) {
- $smbuser = $1;
- $smbpassword = $2;
- } else {
- $smbuser = $login;
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- } else {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- # Get the workgroup, server, and share name
- my $workgroup = "";
- my $smbserver = "";
- my $smbshare = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]*)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = $1;
- $smbserver = $2;
- $smbshare = $3;
- } elsif ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = "";
- $smbserver = $1;
- $smbshare = $2;
- } else {
- die "The \"smb://\" URI must at least contain the " .
- "server name and the share name!\n";
- }
- # Set up the command line for printing on the SMB server
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'smbclient'} '//$smbserver/$smbshare'";
- if ($smbpassword ne "") {
- warn("WARNING: smbclient password is visible in PPD file\n");
- $postpipe .= " '$smbpassword'";
- }
- if ($smbuser ne "") {$postpipe .= " -U '$smbuser'";}
- if ($workgroup ne "") {$postpipe .= " -W '$workgroup'";}
- $postpipe .= " -N -P -c 'print -' ";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ncp://(.*)$!) {
- my $parameters = $1;
- # Get the user's login and password from the URI
- my $ncpuser = "";
- my $ncppassword = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) {
- my $login = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) {
- $ncpuser = $1;
- $ncppassword = $2;
- } else {
- $ncpuser = $login;
- $ncppassword = "";
- }
- } else {
- $ncpuser = "";
- $ncppassword = "";
- }
- # Get the server and share name
- my $ncpserver = "";
- my $ncpqueue = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $ncpserver = $1;
- $ncpqueue = $2;
- } else {
- die "The \"ncp://\" URI must at least contain the " .
- "server name and the queue name!\n";
- }
- # Set up the command line for printing on the Netware server
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'nprint'} -S $ncpserver";
- if ($ncpuser ne "") {
- $postpipe .= " -U $ncpuser";
- if ($ncppassword ne "") {
- warn("WARNING: ncp password is visible in PPD file\n");
- $postpipe .= " -P $ncppassword";
- } else {
- $postpipe .= " -n";
- }
- }
- $postpipe .= " -q $ncpqueue -N - 2>/dev/null";
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^postpipe:(.*)$!) {
- # Pipe output into a command
- $postpipe = $1;
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = "/dev/null";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'}) {
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = '/dev/null';
- die ("The URI \"$config->{'connect'}\" is not supported " .
- "for LPD/LPRng or you have\nmistyped.\n");
- } else {
- print STDERR "You must specify a connection with -c.\n";
- help();
- exit(1);
- }
- # Put $postpipe into the data structure, so that it will be
- # inserted into the PPD file
- if ($postpipe ne "") {
- $postpipe = "| $postpipe";
- $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = $postpipe;
- } else {
- undef $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'};
- }
- } else {
- # Keep previous connection type
- # Use previous $postpipe
- if (defined($db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'})) {
- $postpipe = $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'};
- }
- }
- # When we have a $postpipe we never write to a device
- if ($postpipe ne "") {
- $entry->{'str'}{'lp'} = '/dev/null';
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lpd") {
- $entry->{'str'}{'if'} = $sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'};
- $entry->{'str'}{'af'} = $ppdfile;
- } elsif ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- $entry->{'str'}{'if'} = $sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'};
- $entry->{'str'}{'ppd'} = $ppdfile;
- $entry->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'} = 1;
- } else {
- die "The spooler $config->{'spooler'} is not supported " .
- "by this function!\n";
- }
- }
- # Various file setup
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}, 0755;
- mkdir "$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/lpd", 0755;
- mkdir $entry->{'str'}{'sd'}, 0755;
- # Lead with a blank line for new entries
- push (@{$entry->{'comments'}}, "\n")
- if (!$reconf);
- # Put in a useful comment for both new and old entries
- push (@{$entry->{'comments'}},
- sprintf ("\# Entry edited %s by $progname.",
- scalar(localtime(time))),
- "\# Additional configuration atop $ppdfile");
- # Add to the printcap if a new entry
- if (!$reconf) {
- push(@{$pcap}, $entry);
- }
- # Generate/write te PPD file
- writeppdfile($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata);
- # Make sure that /var/spool/lp-errs exists
- system "touch $sysdeps->{'lpd-log'}";
- chmod 0600, $sysdeps->{'lpd-log'};
- my ($lpuid, $lpgid) = (-1, -1);
- my $l;
- $l = getpwnam("lp"); $lpuid = $l if defined($l);
- $l = getgrnam("lp"); $lpgid = $l if defined($l);
- chown $lpuid, $lpgid, $sysdeps->{'lpd-log'};
- # Write back /etc/printcap
- my $printcap = $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'};
- rename $printcap, "$printcap.old" or die "Cannot backup $printcap!\n";
- open PRINTCAP, "> $printcap" or die "Cannot write $printcap!\n";
- print PRINTCAP dump_lpd_printcap($config, $pcap);
- close PRINTCAP;
- chmod 0644, $printcap;
- # In case of LPRng, give SIGHUP to the daemon, LPRng needs this to
- # recognize a new queue
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- # first check configuration
- system("$sysdeps->{'lprng-checkpc'} -f > /dev/null 2>&1");
- # now signal to use it
- system("$sysdeps->{'lpd-lpc'} reread > /dev/null 2>&1");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_lpd {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- # Add the alias "lp" to the /etc/printcap entry to make LPD considering
- # the chosen printer as default printer
- # Some stuff for renaming a queue named "lp"
- my $nppdfile = undef;
- my $newname = undef;
- my $rawqueue = 0;
- my @newcap;
- for (@{$pcap}) {
- my $p = $_;
- if ($p->{'names'}[0] eq $name) {
- $p->{'names'}[4] = 'lp';
- } else {
- # Rename a printer whose first name is 'lp'
- if ($p->{'names'}[0] eq 'lp') {
- # Do we have a raw queue?
- if ((!defined($p->{'str'}{'if'})) ||
- ($p->{'str'}{'if'} ne $sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'})) {
- $rawqueue = 1;
- }
- # Search for a free name
- my $i = 0;
- my $namefound = 0;
- while(!$namefound) {
- my $pp;
- my $nameinuse = 0;
- for $pp (@{$pcap}) {
- if (defined($pp->{'names'})) {
- my $n;
- for $n (@{$pp->{'names'}}) {
- if ($n eq "lp$i") {
- $nameinuse = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($nameinuse) {
- $i++;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $namefound = 1 - $nameinuse;
- }
- $newname = "lp$i";
- # Old PPD file name
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/lpd/lp.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'});
- # New PPD file name
- my $nppdfile = sprintf('%s/lpd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $newname);
- # Rename the printer
- $p->{'names'}[0] = $newname;
- my $oldspooldir = $p->{'str'}{'sd'};
- $p->{'str'}{'sd'} = sprintf('%s/%s',
- $sysdeps->{'lpd-dir'},
- $newname);
- if ($p->{'str'}{'af'} =~ /\.ppd$/) {
- $p->{'str'}{'af'} = $nppdfile;
- }
- # Rename old $ppdfile, if any
- rename $ppdfile, $nppdfile
- if (-f $ppdfile);
- # Rename the spool directory
- rename $oldspooldir, $p->{'str'}{'sd'}
- if (-d $oldspooldir);
- # Put out warning
- warn("WARNING: Printer \"lp\" renamed to \"$newname\".\n");
- }
- # Remove 'lp' as alias name
- my $n;
- for $n (@{$p->{'names'}}) {
- if ($n eq 'lp') {
- $n = '';
- }
- }
- }
- push (@newcap, $p);
- }
- my @newprintcap = dump_lpd_printcap($config, \@newcap);
- my $printcap = $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'};
- rename $printcap, "$printcap.old" or die "Cannot backup $printcap!\n";
- open PRINTCAP, "> $printcap" or die "Cannot write $printcap!\n";
- print PRINTCAP @newprintcap;
- close PRINTCAP;
- chmod 0644, $printcap;
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_lprng {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- # Move the /etc/printcap entry for the chosen printer to the first place
- # so that LPRng considers it as the default printer
- my @newcap;
- for (@{$pcap}) {
- push (@newcap, $_)
- if ($_->{'names'}[0] eq $name);
- }
- for (@{$pcap}) {
- push (@newcap, $_)
- unless ($_->{'names'}[0] eq $name);
- }
- my @newprintcap = dump_lpd_printcap($config, \@newcap);
- my $printcap = $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'};
- rename $printcap, "$printcap.old" or die "Cannot backup $printcap!\n";
- open PRINTCAP, "> $printcap" or die "Cannot write $printcap!\n";
- print PRINTCAP @newprintcap;
- close PRINTCAP;
- chmod 0644, $printcap;
- # In case of LPRng, give SIGHUP to the daemon, LPRng needs this to
- # recognize the changes
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- system("$sysdeps->{'lpd-lpc'} reread > /dev/null 2>&1");
- system("$sysdeps->{'lprng-checkpc'} -f > /dev/null 2>&1");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub delete_lpd {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- my @newcap;
- for (@{$pcap}) {
- push (@newcap, $_)
- unless ($_->{'names'}[0] eq $name);
- }
- my @newprintcap = dump_lpd_printcap($config, \@newcap);
- my $printcap = $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'};
- rename $printcap, "$printcap.old" or die "Cannot backup $printcap!\n";
- open PRINTCAP, "> $printcap" or die "Cannot write $printcap!\n";
- print PRINTCAP @newprintcap;
- close PRINTCAP;
- chmod 0644, $printcap;
- # PPD file name
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/lpd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Rename old $ppdfile, if any
- rename $ppdfile, "$ppdfile.old"
- if (-f $ppdfile);
- # In case of LPRng, give SIGHUP to the daemon, LPRng needs this to
- # recognize the changes
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lprng") {
- system("$sysdeps->{'lpd-lpc'} reread > /dev/null 2>&1");
- system("$sysdeps->{'lprng-checkpc'} -f > /dev/null 2>&1");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub query_lpd {
- my ($config) = @_;
- # User requests data of a printer/driver combo to see the options before
- # installing a queue
- if (($opt_P) && ((($config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'}) &&
- ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw")) || ($config->{'ppdfile'}))) {
- if ($opt_n) {
- my $olddatablob = load_lpd_datablob($opt_n);
- print_perl_combo_data($config, $olddatablob);
- } else {
- print_perl_combo_data($config);
- }
- return;
- }
- my $i = $ARGV[0];
- if (!defined($i)) {$i = 0;}
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- my $p;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<queues>\n";
- }
- # Query the default printer
- my $default;
- if (!defined($config->{'queue'})) {
- if ($config->{'spooler'} eq "lpd") {
- # Under LPD the default printer is the printer which has
- # "lp" as its name or as an alias name
- my $def_firstname = undef;
- for $p (@{$pcap}) {
- if (defined($p->{'names'})) {
- my $n;
- for $n (@{$p->{'names'}}) {
- if ($n eq 'lp') {
- $def_firstname = $p->{'names'}[0];
- last;
- }
- }
- if (defined($def_firstname)) {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined($def_firstname)) {
- $default = $def_firstname;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$def_firstname</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Under LPRng the default printer is the first entry in
- # /etc/printcap
- for $p (@{$pcap}) {
- if (defined($p->{'names'})) {
- $default = $p->{'names'}[0];
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$p->{'names'}[0]" .
- "</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for $p (@{$pcap}) {
- # enpty end entry for trailing comments
- next if !defined($p->{'names'});
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'names'}[0]);
- # load the queue data
- $db->{'dat'} = load_lpd_datablob($p->{'names'}[0]);
- # extract the queue data block
- my $c = $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'};
- if ($opt_P) {
- if ($p->{'names'}[0] eq $default) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 0;
- }
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 0;
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$QUEUES[$i]/g;
- print $asciidata;
- $i ++;
- } else {
- # and get it to standard output
- dump_config($c);
- }
- }
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "</queues>\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- ### Queue manipulation functions for CUPS
- sub setup_cups {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # PPD file name
- # (/etc/foomatic/cups/ will be a link to /etc/cups/ppd/)
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/ppd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'cups-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Get the data from the former queue if we reconfigure or copy a queue
- # do also some checking of the user-supplied parameters
- my ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel, $beh) =
- getoldqueuedata($config, 1);
- # Here we set up the command line for the "lpadmin" command
- my $lpadminline =
- "$sysdeps->{'cups-admin'} -p \"$config->{'queue'}\" -E";
- # Use manufacturer and model as description when no description is
- # provided
- if (defined($config->{'desc'})) {
- $lpadminline .= " -D \"$config->{'desc'}\"";
- } else {
- # Before we overwrite the description field with manufacturer
- # and model, check if there is some old contents
- my $pconf = load_cups_printersconf();
- my $p;
- my $olddesc;
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'name'});
- $olddesc = $p->{'Info'};
- }
- if (!$olddesc) {
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $lpadminline .= " -D \"$makemodel\"";
- } else {
- $lpadminline .= " -D \"Raw queue\"";
- }
- }
- }
- # Fill in the "location" field if something for it is provided.
- if (defined($config->{'loc'})) {
- $lpadminline .= " -L \"$config->{'loc'}\"";
- }
- # PPD file argument for the printer
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $lpadminline .= " -P \'$ppdfile\'";
- }
- # All URIs ("-c" option) have the same syntax as URIs in CUPS
- # ("-v" option of "lpadmin"). Here the old "file:/" URIs are
- # translated to the form which CUPS needs. All other URIs are
- # simply passed to lpadmin.
- my $cupsuri = "";
- if (defined($config->{'connect'})) {
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^(file|usb|parallel|serial):(.*)$!) {
- # Translate "file:/" into the prefix needed by CUPS, if
- # necessary
- $cupsuri = $2;
- if ((($cupsuri =~ m!$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($cupsuri =~ m!/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($cupsuri =~ m!/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) &&
- (-x "$sysdeps->{'cups-backends'}/ptal")) {
- # Translate URI for ptal-printd (does not work with CUPS
- # 1.1.12 and newer) to URI for the "ptal" CUPS backend
- # script (if the script is there)
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $cupsuri = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif ((($cupsuri =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($cupsuri =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) &&
- (-x "$sysdeps->{'cups-backends'}/mtink")) {
- # Translate URI for mtinkd (does not work with CUPS
- # 1.1.12 and newer) to URI for the "mtink" CUPS backend
- # script (if the script is there)
- $cupsuri = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!usb!i) {
- $cupsuri = cups_usb_device_uri_to_printer_uri($cupsuri);
- $cupsuri = "usb:$cupsuri";
- } elsif (($cupsuri =~ m!lp[0-9]!) || ($cupsuri =~ m!LP[0-9]!)||
- ($cupsuri =~ m!parallel!)) {
- $cupsuri = "parallel:$cupsuri";
- } elsif (($cupsuri =~ m!tty!) || ($cupsuri =~ m!TTY!) ||
- ($cupsuri =~ m!serial!)) {
- $cupsuri = "serial:$cupsuri";
- } else {
- $cupsuri = "file:$cupsuri";
- }
- } elsif (($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!) &&
- (!-x "$sysdeps->{'cups-backends'}/ptal")) {
- # If there is no "ptal" backend script for CUPS, use an URI
- # pointing to the pipe set up by ptal-printd.
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ tr/:/_/;
- $cupsuri = "file:$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/$devname";
- } elsif (($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^mtink:/(.*)$!) &&
- (!-x "$sysdeps->{'cups-backends'}/mtink")) {
- # If there is no "mtink" backend script for CUPS, use an URI
- # pointing to the pipe set up by mtinkd.
- $cupsuri = "file:$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/$1";
- } else {
- $cupsuri=$config->{'connect'};
- }
- # Correct PTAL URIs: "ptal:/..." for HPOJ 0.9, "ptal://..." for newer
- # HPOJ
- if ($cupsuri =~ m!^ptal:/!) {
- $cupsuri = cups_correct_ptal_uri($cupsuri);
- }
- }
- # Are there changes in the error handling of the backend?
- if (((defined($config->{'dd'})) &&
- (((defined($beh->{'dd'})) &&
- ($config->{'dd'} ne $beh->{'dd'})) ||
- ($config->{'dd'} != 0))) ||
- ((defined($config->{'att'})) &&
- (((defined($beh->{'att'})) &&
- ($config->{'att'} ne $beh->{'att'})) ||
- ($config->{'att'} != 1))) ||
- ((defined($config->{'delay'})) &&
- (((defined($beh->{'delay'})) &&
- ($config->{'delay'} ne $beh->{'delay'})) ||
- ($config->{'delay'} != 30)))) {
- if (!defined($config->{'dd'})) {
- $config->{'dd'} = (defined($beh->{'dd'}) ? $beh->{'dd'} : 0);
- }
- if (!defined($config->{'att'})) {
- $config->{'att'} = (defined($beh->{'att'}) ? $beh->{'att'} : 1);
- }
- if (!defined($config->{'delay'})) {
- $config->{'delay'} = (defined($beh->{'delay'}) ?
- $beh->{'delay'} : 30);
- }
- $cupsuri = $beh->{'uri'} if !$cupsuri;
- # Do only add the "beh" wrapper backend when it is really needed
- # (More than one retry and/or no disabling) and if the queue is not
- # using the HPLIP ("hp") backend, as otherwise the "hp-toolbox"
- # will not list the printer any more. HPLIP does infinite retries
- # in 30-sec intervals anyway.
- if (($cupsuri) && ($cupsuri !~ m!^hp(fax|):/!) &&
- (($config->{'dd'} != 0) || ($config->{'att'} != 1))) {
- $cupsuri = sprintf("beh:/%d/%d/%d/%s",
- $config->{'dd'}, $config->{'att'},
- $config->{'delay'}, $cupsuri);
- }
- }
- if ($cupsuri) {
- $lpadminline .= " -v \"$cupsuri\"";
- }
- # Directory setup, let the Foomatic PPD directory for CUPS be the same
- # as /etc/cups/ppd/ (where CUPS stores the PPDs of the installed queues)
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}, 0755;
- symlink "$sysdeps->{'cups-etc'}/ppd/", "$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/cups";
- # In CUPS we never have a $postpipe
- # (when we get a $postpipe from a source PPD file from another
- # spooler, we don't need to remove it really, because it will be
- # ignored by foomatic-rip, uncomment this to remove it)
- #$db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = "";
- # Generate/write te PPD file
- writeppdfile($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata);
- # Execute the lpadmin command to set up the new queue
- if (system $lpadminline) {
- # Remove the config files
- unlink "$ppdfile"
- if (-f "$ppdfile");
- # Revert changed config files
- rename "$ppdfile.old", "$ppdfile"
- if (-f "$ppdfile.old");
- die "Could not set up/change the queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_cups {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- if ($< == 0) {
- # (/etc/cups/printers.conf can only be manipulated by root)
- # This line sets the default printer in /etc/cups/printers.conf
- my $command = "$sysdeps->{'cups-admin'} -d " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" > /dev/null";
- # Do it! (Ignore errors silently)
- system $command;
- }
- # This line sets the default printer in /etc/cups/lpoptions
- # (required for setting a remote queue as default)
- my $command = "$sysdeps->{'cups-lpoptions'} -d " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" > /dev/null";
- # Do it!
- system $command and
- die "Unable to set queue \"$config->{'queue'}\" as default!\n";
- }
- sub delete_cups {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # This line deletes the old printer queue
- my $queuedeleteline =
- "$sysdeps->{'cups-admin'} -x \"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- # Do it!
- system $queuedeleteline and
- die "Unable to delete queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- sub query_cups {
- my ($config) = @_;
- # User requests data of a printer/driver combo to see the options before
- # installing a queue
- if (($opt_P) && ((($config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'}) &&
- ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw")) || ($config->{'ppdfile'}))) {
- if ($opt_n) {
- my $olddatablob = load_cups_datablob($opt_n);
- print_perl_combo_data($config, $olddatablob);
- } else {
- print_perl_combo_data($config);
- }
- return;
- }
- my $i = $ARGV[0];
- if (!defined($i)) {$i = 0;}
- my $pconf = load_cups_printersconf();
- if (defined($opt_r)) {$opt_r = undef;}
- my $p;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<queues>\n";
- }
- # Query the default printer
- my $default = '';
- if (!defined($config->{'queue'})) {
- open DEFAULT, "$sysdeps->{'cups-lpstat'} -d |" or
- die "Could not run $sysdeps->{'cups-lpstat'}!\n";
- my $defaultstr = <DEFAULT>;
- close DEFAULT;
- if ($defaultstr =~ m!\S+:\s+(\S+)$!) {
- $default = $1;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$default</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'name'});
- # load the queue data
- $db->{'dat'} = load_cups_datablob($p->{'name'});
- # Enter info for remote queue
- if ($p->{'remote'}) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'foomatic'} = 0;
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'spooler'} = 'cups';
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'queue'} = $p->{'name'};
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'connect'} = $p->{'DeviceURI'};
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'description'} = $p->{'Info'};
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'loc'} = $p->{'Location'};
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 0;
- }
- # extract the queue data block
- my $c = $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'};
- if ($opt_P) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $default) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 0;
- }
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$QUEUES[$i]/g;
- print $asciidata;
- $i ++;
- } else {
- # and get it to standard output
- dump_config($c);
- }
- }
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "</queues>\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- ### Queue manipulation functions for PDQ
- sub setup_pdq {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # Read the previous /usr/lib/pdq/printrc
- my $printrc = load_pdq_printrc();
- my ($ppdfile, $driverfile, $entry, $reconf, $p);
- $reconf = 0;
- for $p (@{$printrc}) {
- if ((defined($p->{'name'})) &&
- ($p->{'name'} eq $config->{'queue'})) {
- $entry = $p;
- $reconf = 1;
- last;
- use Data::Dumper;
- print "Reconfigure of ", Dumper($p);
- }
- }
- # Config file names
- $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/pdq/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- $driverfile = sprintf('%s/pdq/driverdescr/%s.pdq',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Get the data from the former queue if we reconfigure or copy a queue
- # do also some checking of the user-supplied parameters
- my ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel) =
- getoldqueuedata($config, $reconf);
- # Set the initial line of the "printer" block in /usr/lib/pdq/printrc
- $entry->{'name'} = $config->{'queue'};
- # Location field
- if ((defined($config->{'loc'})) || (!$reconf)) {
- $entry->{'location'} = "\"$config->{'loc'}\"";
- }
- # Model/Description field
- if (defined($config->{'desc'})) {
- $entry->{'model'} = "\"$config->{'desc'}\"";
- } elsif (!$entry->{'model'}) {
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $entry->{'model'} = "\"$makemodel\"";
- } else {
- $entry->{'model'} = "\"Raw printer\"";
- }
- }
- # Create directories
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}, 0755;
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'} . '/pdq', 0755;
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'} . '/pdq/driverdescr', 0755;
- # Make the printer driver descriptions in /etc/foomatic/pdq visible
- # for PDQ
- # symlink $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'} . '/pdq', $sysdeps->{'pdq-foomatic'};
- # Save old driver file, use the "~" to make it appear an editor
- # backup so that PDQ does not parse it.
- # Save old $driverfile, if any
- rename $driverfile, "$driverfile.old~"
- if (-f $driverfile);
- # Generate/write the PPD file
- writeppdfile($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata);
- # Create driver description file
- if ($rawqueue) {
- system("$sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'} --genrawpdq $driverfile") and
- die "Cannot create $driverfile!\n";
- } else {
- system("$sysdeps->{'foomatic-rip'} --ppd \'$ppdfile\' --genpdq " .
- "$driverfile") and
- die "Cannot create $driverfile!\n";
- }
- # PDQ configuration file
- # Driver fields
- # Extract driver name
- my $driverdesc = `cat $driverfile`;
- $driverdesc =~ m!^\s*driver\s*(\"\S*\-\d+\")!m;
- # Driver-specific entries
- $entry->{'driver'} = $1;
- $entry->{'driver_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'driver_args'} = "\{ \}";
- # Interface fields
- # All URIs ("-c" option) have the same syntax as URIs in CUPS ("-v"
- # option of "lpadmin").
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^(file|usb|parallel|serial):(.*)!) {
- # Local printer or printing to a file
- my $file = $2;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^usb://!) {
- # Queue with printer-bound USB URI transferred from CUPS,
- # as PDQ does not support these URIs, translate it
- # back to a standard USB device URI
- $file = cups_usb_printer_uri_to_device_uri($file);
- }
- if (! -e $file) {
- warn "The device or file $file doesn't exist? " .
- "Working anyway.\n";
- }
- $entry->{'interface'} = "\"local-port\"";
- $entry->{'interface_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'interface_args'} = "\{ \"PORT\" = \"$file\" \}";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!) {
- # HPOJ MLC protocol
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ tr/:/_/;
- $entry->{'interface'} = "\"local-port\"";
- $entry->{'interface_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'interface_args'} = "\{ \"PORT\" = " .
- "\"$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/$devname\" \}";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^mtink:/(.+)$!) {
- # Printing through "mtinkd"
- $entry->{'interface'} = "\"local-port\"";
- $entry->{'interface_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'interface_args'} = "\{ \"PORT\" = " .
- "\"$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/$1\" \}";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^lpd://([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- # Remote LPD
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remqueue = $2;
- $entry->{'interface'} = "\"bsd-lpd\"";
- $entry->{'interface_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'interface_args'} =
- "\{ \"QUEUE\" = \"$remqueue\", \"REMOTE_HOST\" = " .
- "\"$remhost\" \}";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^socket://([^/:]+):([0-9]+)/?$!) {
- # Socket (AppSocket/HP JetDirect)
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remport = $2;
- $entry->{'interface'} = "\"tcp-port\"";
- $entry->{'interface_opts'} = "\{ \}";
- $entry->{'interface_args'} =
- "\{ \"REMOTE_PORT\" = \"$remport\", \"REMOTE_HOST\" = " .
- "\"$remhost\" \}";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'}) {
- die ("The URI \"$config->{'connect'}\" is not supported " .
- "for PDQ or you have\nmistyped.\n");
- } elsif (!$reconf) {
- die "You must specify a connection with -c.\n";
- }
- # Add to the printrc if it is a new entry
- if (!$reconf) {
- push(@{$printrc}, $entry);
- }
- # Write back the modified printrc file
- my $printrcname = $sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'};
- rename $printrcname, "$printrcname.old" or
- die "Cannot backup $printrcname!\n";
- open PRINTRC, "> $printrcname" or die "Cannot write $printrcname!\n";
- print PRINTRC dump_pdq_printrc($printrc);
- close PRINTRC;
- chmod 0644, $printrcname;
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_pdq {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # Determine the name of the config file to modify
- my $printrcname = "";
- if ($< == 0) {
- $printrcname = "$sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'}";
- if (!(-f $printrcname)) {die "No file $printrcname!"};
- } else {
- $printrcname = "$ENV{HOME}/.printrc";
- if (!(-f $printrcname)) {system "touch $printrcname"};
- }
- # Read the config file
- open PRINTRC, "$printrcname" or die "Cannot open $printrcname!";
- my @printrc = <PRINTRC>;
- close PRINTRC;
- # Remove all valid "default_printer" lines
- ($_ =~ /^\s*default_printer/ and $_="") foreach @printrc;
- # Insert the new "default_printer" line
- push @printrc, "default_printer $config->{'queue'}\n";
- # Write back the modified config file
- open PRINTRC, "> $printrcname" or die "Cannot open $printrcname!";
- print PRINTRC @printrc;
- close PRINTRC;
- }
- sub delete_pdq {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $printrc = load_pdq_printrc();
- my @newrc;
- for (@{$printrc}) {
- push (@newrc, $_)
- unless (defined($_->{'name'}) && ($_->{'name'} eq $name));
- }
- my @newprintrc = dump_pdq_printrc(\@newrc);
- my $printrcname = $sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'};
- rename $printrcname, "$printrcname.old" or
- die "Cannot backup $printrcname!\n";
- open PRINTRC, "> $printrcname" or die "Cannot write $printrcname!\n";
- print PRINTRC @newprintrc;
- close PRINTRC;
- chmod 0644, $printrcname;
- # Config file names
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/pdq/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- my $driverfile = sprintf('%s/pdq/driverdescr/%s.pdq',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Rename old $ppdfile, if any
- rename $ppdfile, "$ppdfile.old"
- if (-f $ppdfile);
- # Rename old driverfile, if any, use the "~" to make it appear an
- # editor backup so that PDQ does not parse it.
- # Rename old $driverfile, if any
- rename $driverfile, "$driverfile.old~"
- if (-f $driverfile);
- return 1;
- }
- sub query_pdq {
- my ($config) = @_;
- # User requests data of a printer/driver combo to see the options before
- # installing a queue
- if (($opt_P) && ((($config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'}) &&
- ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw")) || ($config->{'ppdfile'}))) {
- if ($opt_n) {
- my $olddatablob = load_pdq_datablob($opt_n);
- print_perl_combo_data($config, $olddatablob);
- } else {
- print_perl_combo_data($config);
- }
- return;
- }
- my $i = $ARGV[0];
- if (!defined($i)) {$i = 0;}
- my $printrc = load_pdq_printrc();
- my $p;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<queues>\n";
- }
- # Query the default printer
- my $default;
- if (!defined($config->{'queue'})) {
- open DEFAULT, "$sysdeps->{'pdq-print'} -h 2>&1 |" or
- die "Could not run $sysdeps->{'pdq-print'}!\n";
- my $defaultstr = join('', <DEFAULT>);
- close DEFAULT;
- if ($defaultstr =~ m!The\s+default\s+printer\s+is\s+(\S+)$!m) {
- $default = $1;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$default</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- for $p (@{$printrc}) {
- # Omit non-printer-block items
- next if (!(defined($p->{'name'})));
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'name'});
- # load the queue data
- $db->{'dat'} = load_pdq_datablob($p->{'name'});
- # extract the queue data block
- my $c = $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'};
- if ($opt_P) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $default) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 0;
- }
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 0;
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$QUEUES[$i]/g;
- print $asciidata;
- $i ++;
- } else {
- # and get it to standard output
- dump_config($c);
- }
- }
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "</queues>\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- ### Queue manipulation functions for PPR
- sub setup_ppr {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # Read the previous configuration
- my $printrc = load_ppr_printers_conf();
- my ($ppdfile, $entry, $reconf, $p);
- $reconf = 0;
- for $p (@{$printrc}) {
- if ((defined($p->{'name'})) &&
- ($p->{'name'} eq $config->{'queue'})) {
- $entry = $p;
- $reconf = 1;
- last;
- use Data::Dumper;
- print "Reconfigure of ", Dumper($p);
- }
- }
- # PPD file name
- $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/ppr/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Determine the PPR version in use
- my $pprversion;
- if (open VER, "$sysdeps->{'ppr-pprd'} --version |") {
- my $ver = <VER>;
- close VER;
- $ver =~ /^\D*(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+)|)((a|alpha|b|beta|r|rc)(\d+|)|)/;
- $pprversion = (1e8 * $1 + 1e6 * $2 + 1e4 * $4 +
- ($5 ? 100 * (ord(uc($6)) - 64) + $7 : 9999)) / 1e8;
- } else {
- # Could not determine version, so we set it to 0 (oldest possible)
- $pprversion = 0;
- }
- # Get the data from the former queue if we reconfigure or copy a queue
- # do also some checking of the user-supplied parameters
- my ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel) =
- getoldqueuedata($config, $reconf);
- # Read out previous interface settings
- my $interface = "";
- my $address = "";
- my $options = "";
- my $interface_options = "";
- if ($reconf) {
- $interface = $entry->{'Interface'};
- $address = $entry->{'Address'};
- $interface_options = $entry->{'Options'};
- if (($interface eq "foomatic-rip") ||
- ($interface eq "ppromatic")) {
- if ($interface_options =~ /backend=(\S+)/) {
- $interface = $1;
- $interface_options =~ s/backend=(\S+)//;
- if ($interface_options =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $interface_options = "";
- }
- } else {
- $interface = "";
- }
- }
- }
- # All URIs ("-c" option) have the same syntax as URIs in CUPS ("-v"
- # option of "lpadmin").
- if (defined($config->{'connect'})) {
- $interface_options =~ s/smbuser=(\S+)//;
- $interface_options =~ s/smbpassword=(\S+)//;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^(file|usb|parallel|serial):(.*)!) {
- # Local printer or printing to a file
- $address = $2;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^usb://!) {
- # Queue with printer-bound USB URI transferred from CUPS,
- # as PPR does not support these URIs, translate it
- # back to a standard USB device URI
- $address = cups_usb_printer_uri_to_device_uri($address);
- }
- if (! -e $address) {
- warn "The device or file $address doesn't exist? " .
- "Working anyway.\n";
- }
- if (($address =~ m!usb!) || ($address =~ m!USB!) ||
- ($address =~ m!$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}!) ||
- ($address =~ m!/dev/ptal-printd!) ||
- ($address =~ m!/var/run/ptal-printd!) ||
- ($address =~ m!$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}!) ||
- ($address =~ m!/var/mtink!)) {
- $interface = "simple";
- } elsif (($address =~ m!lp[0-9]!) || ($address =~ m!LP[0-9]!) ||
- ($address =~ m!parallel!)) {
- $interface = "parallel";
- } elsif (($address =~ m!tty!) || ($address =~ m!TTY!) ||
- ($address =~ m!serial!)) {
- $interface = "serial";
- } else {
- $interface = "dummy";
- }
- $options = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!) {
- # HPOJ MLC protocol
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ tr/:/_/;
- $address = "$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/$devname";
- $interface = "simple";
- $options = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^mtink:/(.+)$!) {
- # Printing through "mtinkd"
- $address = "$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/$1";
- $interface = "simple";
- $options = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^lpd://([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- # Remote LPD
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remqueue = $2;
- $address = "${remqueue}\@${remhost}";
- $interface = "lpr";
- $options = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~
- m!^socket://([^/:]+):([0-9]+)/?$!) {
- # Socket (AppSocket/HP JetDirect)
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remport = $2;
- $address = "$remhost:$remport";
- $interface = "tcpip";
- $options = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^smb://(.*)$!) {
- # SMB (Printer on Windows server)
- my $parameters = $1;
- # Get the user's login and password from the URI
- my $smbuser = "";
- my $smbpassword = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) {
- my $login = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) {
- $smbuser = $1;
- $smbpassword = $2;
- } else {
- $smbuser = $login;
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- } else {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- # When a password is given, a user name should be given, too.
- if (($smbpassword ne "") && ($smbuser eq "")) {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- }
- # The "smb" interface of PPR uses "ppr" as the SMB user when no
- # user name is given. Usually one does not have such a user name
- # under Windows. So use "GUEST" if no user name is given.
- if ($smbuser eq "") {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- }
- # Set the options for PPR's "smb" interface
- $options = "";
- if ($smbuser ne "") {
- $options = "smbuser=\"$smbuser\"";
- if ($smbpassword ne "") {
- $options .= " smbpassword=\"$smbpassword\"";
- }
- }
- # Get the workgroup, server, and share name
- my $workgroup = "";
- my $smbserver = "";
- my $smbshare = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]*)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = $1;
- $smbserver = $2;
- $smbshare = $3;
- } elsif ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = "";
- $smbserver = $1;
- $smbshare = $2;
- } else {
- die "The \"smb://\" URI must at least contain the " .
- "server name and the share name!\n";
- }
- $address = "//$smbserver/$smbshare";
- $interface = "smb";
- } else {
- die ("The URI \"$config->{'connect'}\" is not supported for " .
- "PPR or you have\nmistyped.\n");
- }
- } elsif (!$reconf) {
- die "You must specify a connection with -c.\n";
- }
- # Here we set up the command line for the "ppad interface" and the
- # "ppad options" commands
- my $ppad_interface = "";
- my $ppad_options = "";
- my $ppad_rip = "";
- if ($rawqueue) {
- $ppad_interface = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} interface " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" $interface \"$address\"";
- $ppad_options = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} options " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" $options $interface_options";
- $ppad_rip = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "rip \"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- } else {
- if ($pprversion >= 1.50000102 ) { #1.50a2
- $ppad_interface = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} interface " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" $interface \"$address\"";
- $ppad_options = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} options " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" $options $interface_options";
- if ($db->{'dat'}{'id'}) {
- $ppad_rip = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "rip \"$config->{'queue'}\" foomatic-rip x" .
- # PPR 1.50a2 has a bug and needs at least one option for
- # the command line of the PPR RIP, therefore we add the
- # "0" in this case. The number is very likely not the
- # name of any boolean option, so it will be ignored by
- # foomatic-rip
- (($pprversion < 1.50000103 ) ? " 0" : "");
- } else {
- $ppad_rip = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "rip \"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- }
- } else {
- $ppad_interface = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} interface " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" foomatic-rip \"$address\"";
- $ppad_options = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} options " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" backend=\"$interface\" " .
- "$options $interface_options";
- $ppad_rip = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "rip \"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- }
- }
- # Execute the ppad commands to set up the new queue
- if ((system $ppad_interface) ||
- (system $ppad_options) ||
- (system $ppad_rip)) {
- die "Could not set up/change the queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- # Use manufacturer and model as description when no description is
- # provided
- my($comment, $olddesc);
- if (defined($config->{'desc'})) {
- $comment = $config->{'desc'};
- } else {
- # Before we overwrite the description field with manufacturer
- # and model, check if there is some old contents
- if (($reconf) && ($entry->{'Comment'})) {
- $olddesc = $entry->{'Comment'};
- }
- if (!$olddesc) {
- if (!$rawqueue) {
- $comment = "$makemodel";
- } else {
- $comment = "Raw queue";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($comment) {
- my $ppad_comment = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} comment " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" \"$comment\"";
- if (system $ppad_comment) {
- warn "Could not set description for the queue " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- }
- # Fill in the "location" field if something for it is provided.
- if (defined($config->{'loc'})) {
- my $ppad_location = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} location " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" \"$config->{'loc'}\"";
- if (system $ppad_location) {
- warn "Could not set location for the queue " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- }
- # Various file setup
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}, 0755;
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'} . '/ppr', 0755;
- # Generate/write the PPD file
- writeppdfile($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata);
- if ($rawqueue) {
- my $ppad_ppd = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} ppd " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" \"\" 2> /dev/null";
- if (!system $ppad_ppd) {
- # Automatic input tray selection not activated by default,
- # because the feature requires manual choice of the paper types
- # in the trays and other spoolers than PPR do not have automatic
- # paper tray selection. In addition "ppop media <queue>" is
- # broken for printers with a high number of input trays in their
- # PPD files.
- #my $ppad_bins = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} bins delete " .
- #"\"$config->{'queue'}\" \"" .
- #join ('" "', @{$entry->{'Bins'}}) . "\"";
- #if (system $ppad_bins) {
- #warn "Could not set paper input trays for the " .
- #"queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- #}
- my $ppad_deffiltopts = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "deffiltopts \"$config->{'queue'}\" 2> /dev/null";
- if (system $ppad_deffiltopts) {
- warn "Could not set \"DefFiltOpts\" entry for " .
- "the queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- } else {
- die "Could not set PPD for the queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- } else {
- my $ppad_ppd = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} ppd " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" \"$ppdfile\" 2> /dev/null";
- if (!system $ppad_ppd) {
- # Automatic input tray selection not activated by default,
- # because the feature requires manual choice of the paper types
- # in the trays and other spoolers than PPR do not have automatic
- # paper tray selection. In addition "ppop media <queue>" is
- # broken for printers with a high number of input trays in their
- # PPD files.
- #my $ppad_bins = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} bins ppd " .
- #"\"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- #if (system $ppad_bins) {
- #warn "Could not set paper input trays for the " .
- #"queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- #}
- my $ppad_deffiltopts = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} " .
- "deffiltopts \"$config->{'queue'}\" 2> /dev/null";
- if (system $ppad_deffiltopts) {
- warn "Could not set \"DefFiltOpts\" entry for the " .
- "queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- } else {
- die "Could not set PPD for the queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- }
- if ($rawqueue) {
- # If we have a raw queue, delete the PPD file if there is still
- # one from a former queue.
- unlink "$ppdfile"
- if (-f "$ppdfile");
- } else {
- # Clean up "Switchset" entry
- my @switchset = split('|', $entry->{'Switchset'});
- my @newswitchset = ();
- for my $option (@switchset) {
- if (!(($option =~ /^F\s*\*([^\*\s=:]+)\s+([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/) ||
- ($option =~ /^F\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*=\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/) ||
- ($option =~ /^F\s*\*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/) ||
- ($option =~ /^F\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/))) {
- # The option is not a PPD option, keep it.
- # PPD options are incorporated in the PPD file now and so
- # they can be dropped in the "Switchset".
- if ($option =~ /^\s*(\S)(.*)$/) {
- push (@newswitchset, "-$1 \"$2\"");
- }
- }
- }
- my $ppad_switchset = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} switchset " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" " . join (' ', @newswitchset);
- if (system $ppad_switchset) {
- warn "Could not set switchset for the queue " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- # Check, if there is a PJL option and set the "Jobbreak" to "none"
- # because otherwise there is a Ctrl+D between the PJL frame added
- # by foomatic-rip and the PostScript job. This breaks printing of
- # certain PS files as the CUPS test page.
- my $pjloption = 0;
- for my $arg (@{$db->{'dat'}->{'args'}}) {
- if ($arg->{'style'} eq "J") {
- $pjloption = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($pjloption) {
- my $ppad_jobbreak = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} jobbreak " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\" none";
- if (system $ppad_jobbreak) {
- warn "Could not set \"Jobbreak\" entry for the " .
- "queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_ppr {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # The default printer under PPR is the printer named "default". To be
- # able to easily switch the default printer we set up a printer group
- # named "default" containing the chosen default printer as its only
- # member. If there is already a printer called "default", we rename it.
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $printrc = load_ppr_printers_conf();
- my $printerfound = 0;
- for my $p (@{$printrc}) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $name) {
- $printerfound = 1;
- }
- # Rename a printer whose name is 'default'
- if ($p->{'name'} eq 'default') {
- # Search for a free name
- my $i = 0;
- my $namefound = 0;
- my $newname = "";
- while(!$namefound) {
- my $pp;
- my $nameinuse = 0;
- for $pp (@{$printrc}) {
- if (defined($pp->{'name'})) {
- if ($pp->{'name'} eq "default$i") {
- $nameinuse = 1;
- $i++;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $namefound = 1 - $nameinuse;
- }
- $newname = "default$i";
- # If the printer we want to use as default printer has the
- # name "default", we must use the new name as the member name
- # in the default group.
- if ($name eq "default") {
- $name = $newname;
- }
- # Do the renaming
- # Copy the queue ...
- if (system("foomatic-configure -s ppr -n $newname -C default")){
- die "Could not copy the queue \"default\" into the " .
- "queue \"$newname\"!\n";
- }
- # ... and remove the original one
- if (system("foomatic-configure -s ppr -n default -R")) {
- die "Could not remove the queue \"default\"!\n";
- }
- warn "Renamed the printer\"default\" to \"$newname\"!\n";
- }
- }
- # The desired default printer exists? Then make it the default
- if ($printerfound) {
- # Create a group named "default" with only this printer as member
- my $ppad_group = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} group members " .
- "default \"$name\"";
- if (system $ppad_group) {
- warn "Could not create a group to make the queue \"$name\" " .
- "the default!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- sub delete_ppr {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # This line deletes the old printer queue
- my $queuedeleteline = "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} delete " .
- "\"$config->{'queue'}\"";
- # Do it!
- system $queuedeleteline and
- die "Unable to delete queue \"$config->{'queue'}\"!\n";
- # Rename the PPD file
- # PPD file name
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/ppr/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Rename old $ppdfile, if any
- rename "$ppdfile", "$ppdfile.old"
- if (-f "$ppdfile");
- return 1;
- }
- sub query_ppr {
- my ($config) = @_;
- # User requests data of a printer/driver combo to see the options before
- # installing a queue
- if (($opt_P) && ((($config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'}) &&
- ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw")) || ($config->{'ppdfile'}))) {
- if ($opt_n) {
- my $olddatablob = load_ppr_datablob($opt_n);
- print_perl_combo_data($config, $olddatablob);
- } else {
- print_perl_combo_data($config);
- }
- return;
- }
- my $i = $ARGV[0];
- if (!defined($i)) {$i = 0;}
- my $pconf = load_ppr_printers_conf();
- if (defined($opt_r)) {$opt_r = undef;}
- my $p;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<queues>\n";
- }
- # Query the default printer
- my $default;
- if (!defined($config->{'queue'})) {
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- if ($p->{'default'}) {
- $default = $p->{'name'};
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$p->{'name'}</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'name'});
- # load the queue data
- $db->{'dat'} = load_ppr_datablob($p->{'name'});
- # extract the queue data block
- my $c = $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'};
- if ($opt_P) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $default) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 0;
- }
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 0;
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$QUEUES[$i]/g;
- print $asciidata;
- $i ++;
- } else {
- # and get it to standard output
- dump_config($c);
- }
- }
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "</queues>\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- ### Queue manipulation functions for direct, spooler-less printing
- sub setup_direct {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- # Read the previous config file
- my $pconfig = load_direct_config();
- my ($entry, $reconf, $p);
- for $p (@{$pconfig}) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $config->{'queue'}) {
- $entry = $p;
- $reconf = 1;
- last;
- use Data::Dumper;
- print "Reconfigure of ", Dumper($p);
- }
- }
- # PPD file name
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/direct/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Get the data from the former queue if we reconfigure or copy a queue
- # do also some checking of the user-supplied parameters
- my ($rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata, $makemodel) =
- getoldqueuedata($config, $reconf);
- # Set the printer queue name
- $entry->{'name'} = $config->{'queue'};
- # Use manufacturer and model as description when no description is
- # provided
- if (defined($config->{'desc'})) {
- $entry->{'desc'} = $config->{'desc'};
- } else {
- # Before we overwrite the description field with manufacturer
- # and model, check if there is some old contents
- my( $olddesc );
- if (($reconf) && ($entry->{'desc'})) {
- $olddesc = $entry->{'desc'};
- }
- if (!$olddesc) {
- $entry->{'desc'} = "$makemodel";
- }
- }
- # Fill in the "location" field if something for it is provided.
- if (defined($config->{'loc'})) {
- $entry->{'loc'} = $config->{'loc'};
- }
- # If the printing jobs should not be passed to standard output, put the
- # command line into $postpipe (for example for Socket, Samba, parallel
- # port ...)
- my $postpipe = "";
- if ((!$reconf) or ($config->{'connect'})) {
- # Set up connection type
- # All URIs ("-c" option) have the same syntax as URIs in CUPS ("-v"
- # option of "lpadmin").
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^(file|usb|parallel|serial):(.*)!) {
- # Local printer or printing to a file
- my $file = $2;
- if ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^usb://!) {
- # Queue with printer-bound USB URI transferred from CUPS,
- # as spooler-less printing does not support these URIs,
- # translate it back to a standard USB device URI
- $file = cups_usb_printer_uri_to_device_uri($file);
- }
- if (! -e $file) {
- warn "The device or file $file doesn't exist? " .
- "Working anyway.\n";
- }
- if (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate URI for ptal-printd to postpipe using the
- # "ptal-connect" command
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'} $devname -print";
- } else {
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'cat'} > $file";
- }
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!) {
- # HPOJ MLC protocol
- my $devname = $1;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'} $devname -print";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^mtink:/(.+)$!) {
- # Printing through "mtinkd"
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'cat'} > $sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/$1";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^lpd://([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- # Remote LPD
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remqueue = $2;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'rlpr'} -q -h -P $remqueue\@$remhost";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~
- m!^socket://([^/:]+):([0-9]+)/?$!){
- # Socket (AppSocket/HP JetDirect)
- my $remhost = $1;
- my $remport = $2;
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'nc'} -w 1 $remhost $remport";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^smb://(.*)$!) {
- # SMB (Printer on Windows server)
- my $parameters = $1;
- # Get the user's login and password from the URI
- my $smbuser = "";
- my $smbpassword = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) {
- my $login = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) {
- $smbuser = $1;
- $smbpassword = $2;
- } else {
- $smbuser = $login;
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- } else {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- $smbpassword = "";
- }
- # Get the workgroup, server, and share name
- my $workgroup = "";
- my $smbserver = "";
- my $smbshare = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]*)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = $1;
- $smbserver = $2;
- $smbshare = $3;
- } elsif ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $workgroup = "";
- $smbserver = $1;
- $smbshare = $2;
- } else {
- die "The \"smb://\" URI must at least contain the " .
- "server name and the share name!\n";
- }
- # Set up the command line for printing on the SMB server
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'smbclient'} \"//$smbserver/$smbshare\"";
- if ($smbpassword ne "") {
- warn("WARNING: smbclient password is visible in PPD file\n");
- $postpipe .= " $smbpassword";
- }
- if ($smbuser ne "") {$postpipe .= " -U $smbuser";}
- if ($workgroup ne "") {$postpipe .= " -W $workgroup";}
- $postpipe .= " -N -P -c 'print -' ";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^ncp://(.*)$!) {
- my $parameters = $1;
- # Get the user's login and password from the URI
- my $ncpuser = "";
- my $ncppassword = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^@]*)@([^@]+)!) {
- my $login = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- if ($login =~ m!([^:]*):([^:]*)!) {
- $ncpuser = $1;
- $ncppassword = $2;
- } else {
- $ncpuser = $login;
- $ncppassword = "";
- }
- } else {
- $ncpuser = "";
- $ncppassword = "";
- }
- # Get the server and share name
- my $ncpserver = "";
- my $ncpqueue = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- $ncpserver = $1;
- $ncpqueue = $2;
- } else {
- die "The \"ncp://\" URI must at least contain the server " .
- "name and the queue name!\n";
- }
- # Set up the command line for printing on the Netware server
- $postpipe = "$sysdeps->{'nprint'} -S $ncpserver";
- if ($ncpuser ne "") {
- $postpipe .= " -U $ncpuser";
- if ($ncppassword ne "") {
- warn("WARNING: ncp password is visible in PPD file\n");
- $postpipe .= " -P $ncppassword";
- } else {
- $postpipe .= " -n";
- }
- }
- $postpipe .= " -q $ncpqueue -N - 2>/dev/null";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^postpipe:(.*)$!) {
- # Pipe output into a command
- $postpipe = $1;
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'} =~ m!^stdout!) {
- $postpipe = "";
- } elsif ($config->{'connect'}) {
- die ("The URI \"$config->{'connect'}\" is not supported for " .
- "spooler-less printing or you have\nmistyped.\n");
- } else {
- die "You must specify a connection with -c.\n";
- }
- # Put $postpipe into the data structure, so that it will be
- # inserted into the PPD file
- if ($postpipe ne "") {
- $postpipe = "| $postpipe";
- $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'} = $postpipe;
- } else {
- undef $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'};
- }
- } else {
- # Keep previous connection type
- # Use previous $postpipe
- if (defined($db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'})) {
- $postpipe = $db->{'dat'}{'postpipe'};
- }
- }
- # Various file setup
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}, 0755;
- mkdir $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'} . "/direct", 0755;
- # Add to the config file if a new entry
- if (!$reconf) {
- push(@{$pconfig}, $entry);
- }
- # Generate/write the PPD file
- writeppdfile($config, $ppdfile, $rawqueue, $newfoomaticdata);
- # Write back /etc/foomatic/direct/.config
- my $pconfigname = $sysdeps->{'direct-config'};
- rename $pconfigname, "$pconfigname.old";
- open PCONFIG, "> $pconfigname" or die "Cannot write $pconfigname!\n";
- print PCONFIG dump_direct_config($pconfig);
- close PCONFIG;
- chmod 0644, $pconfigname;
- return 1;
- }
- sub default_direct {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $pconfig = load_direct_config();
- # Modify the "default" fields of the printers appropriately
- for (@{$pconfig}) {
- $_->{'default'} = ($_->{'name'} eq $name);
- }
- my @newpconfig = dump_direct_config($pconfig);
- my $pconfigname = $sysdeps->{'direct-config'};
- rename $pconfigname, "$pconfigname.old";
- open PCONFIG, "> $pconfigname" or die "Cannot write $pconfigname!\n";
- print PCONFIG @newpconfig;
- close PCONFIG;
- chmod 0644, $pconfigname;
- return 1;
- }
- sub delete_direct {
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my $name = $config->{'queue'};
- my $pconfig = load_direct_config();
- # Overtake all entries except the one of the deleted printer to the
- # new config file
- my @newconf;
- for (@{$pconfig}) {
- push (@newconf, $_)
- unless ($_->{'name'} eq $name);
- }
- my @newpconfig = dump_direct_config(\@newconf);
- my $pconfigname = $sysdeps->{'direct-config'};
- rename $pconfigname, "$pconfigname.old";
- open PCONFIG, "> $pconfigname" or die "Cannot write $pconfigname!\n";
- print PCONFIG @newpconfig;
- close PCONFIG;
- chmod 0644, $pconfigname;
- # PPD file name
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/direct/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $config->{'queue'});
- # Rename old $ppdfile, if any
- rename $ppdfile, "$ppdfile.old"
- if (-f $ppdfile);
- return 1;
- }
- sub query_direct {
- my ($config) = @_;
- # User requests data of a printer/driver combo to see the options before
- # installing a queue
- if (($opt_P) && ((($config->{'driver'}) && ($config->{'printer'}) &&
- ($config->{'driver'} ne "raw")) || ($config->{'ppdfile'}))) {
- if ($opt_n) {
- my $olddatablob = load_direct_datablob($opt_n);
- print_perl_combo_data($config, $olddatablob);
- } else {
- print_perl_combo_data($config);
- }
- return;
- }
- my $i = $ARGV[0];
- if (!defined($i)) {$i = 0;}
- my $pconf = load_direct_config();
- if (defined($opt_r)) {$opt_r = undef;}
- my $p;
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<queues>\n";
- }
- # Query the default printer
- my $default;
- if (!defined($config->{'queue'})) {
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- if ($p->{'default'}) {
- $default = $p->{'name'};
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "<defaultqueue>$p->{'name'}</defaultqueue>\n";
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if (defined($config->{'queue'})
- and $config->{'queue'} ne $p->{'name'});
- # load the queue data
- $db->{'dat'} = load_direct_datablob($p->{'name'});
- # extract the queue data block
- my $c = $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'};
- if ($opt_P) {
- if ($p->{'name'} eq $default) {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 1;
- } else {
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'default'} = 0;
- }
- $db->{'dat'}{'queuedata'}{'remote'} = 0;
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$QUEUES[$i]/g;
- print $asciidata;
- $i ++;
- } else {
- # and get it to standard output
- dump_config($c);
- }
- }
- if (!$opt_P) {
- print "</queues>\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- ### Functions used by the queue manipulation functions from above
- sub dump_config {
- my $c = $_[0];
- print
- sprintf("<queue foomatic=\"%d\" spooler=\"%s\">\n",
- ($c->{'foomatic'} ? 1 : 0),
- $c->{'spooler'}),
- _tag('name',$c->{'queue'}),
- _tag('printer',$c->{'printer'}),
- _tag('driver',$c->{'driver'}),
- _tag('connect',$c->{'connect'}),
- _tag('location',$c->{'loc'}),
- _tag('description',$c->{'desc'}),
- ($c->{'spooler'} eq "cups" ?
- (_tag('dontdisable',$c->{'dd'}),
- _tag('attempts',$c->{'att'}),
- _tag('delay',$c->{'delay'}),
- (defined($c->{'quotaperiod'}) ?
- _tag('quotaperiod',$c->{'quotaperiod'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'pagelimit'}) ?
- _tag('pagelimit',$c->{'pagelimit'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'klimit'}) ?
- _tag('klimit',$c->{'klimit'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'laststatechange'}) ?
- _tag('laststatechange',$c->{'laststatechange'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'shared'}) ?
- _tag('shared',$c->{'shared'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'operationpolicy'}) ?
- _tag('operationpolicy',$c->{'operationpolicy'}) : ()),
- (defined($c->{'errorpolicy'}) ?
- _tag('errorpolicy',$c->{'errorpolicy'}) : ())) : ()),
- "</queue>\n";
- return;
- }
- sub _tag {
- my ($t, $v) = @_;
- return '' if !defined($v);
- $v =~ s!\&!\&\;!g;
- $v =~ s!\<!\<\;!g;
- return " <$t>$v</$t>\n";
- }
- sub dump_lpd_printcap {
- my ($config, $pcap )= @_;
- my @retval;
- my $item;
- my $backslash = "\\";
- $backslash = "" if $config->{'spooler'} eq 'lprng';
- for $item (@{$pcap}) {
- for (@{$item->{'comments'}}) {
- push (@retval, "$_\n");
- }
- if (defined($item->{'names'})) {
- map { $_ = '' if not defined $_; } @{$item->{'names'}};
- push (@retval, (join('|', @{$item->{'names'}}) . ":${backslash}\n"));
- }
- for (keys(%{$item->{'str'}})) {
- # special case of 'tc' items, as there can be more than one
- if ($_ =~ /^tc\d+$/) {
- push (@retval,
- sprintf(" :tc=%s:${backslash}\n", $item->{'str'}{$_}));
- } else {
- push (@retval,
- sprintf(" :$_=%s:${backslash}\n", $item->{'str'}{$_}));
- }
- }
- for (keys(%{$item->{'bool'}})) {
- if ($item->{'bool'}{$_}) {
- push (@retval, " :$_:${backslash}\n");
- }
- }
- for (keys(%{$item->{'num'}})) {
- push (@retval,
- sprintf(" :$_#%s:${backslash}\n", $item->{'num'}{$_}));
- }
- if( $backslash ){
- my $lastline = pop(@retval);
- $lastline =~ s!:\\!:!;
- push (@retval, $lastline);
- }
- }
- print "PRINTCAP (spooler '" . $config->{'spooler'} . "') " . Dumper(\@retval) . "\n" if $debug;
- return @retval;
- }
- sub load_lpd_printcap {
- # list-o-printers, each with comments
- open PCAP, $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'} or die "Cannot read printcap file!\n";
- my $pcap = join('', <PCAP>);
- close PCAP;
- print "PC '$pcap'\n" if $debug;
- # die( "Cannot currently parse lprng style printcaps created by " .
- # "lprngtool!\n" .
- # "See the BUGS section in the manpage for details.\n")
- # if $pcap =~ m/\n\s*(:.*[^\\]\n\s*:)/m;
- # watch out for comments with \ at end of line - ignore \
- $pcap =~ s!^(\s*\#.*\\)$!${1}MEMEMEM!gm;
- # now we join lines with \ at end
- $pcap =~ s!\\\n!!gms;
- # remove \ in comment lines
- $pcap =~ s!\\MEMEMEM!\\!g;
- print "AFTER '$pcap'\n" if $debug;
- my (@comment, @items, @comments_in_pc_entry);
- my ($pline, $pcentry);
- $pcentry = "";
- for $pline (split('\n',$pcap)) {
- $pline =~ s/^\s+//;
- print "LINE '$pline', pcentry '$pcentry'\n" if $debug;
- next if $pline eq "";
- if ($pline =~ m!^\#!) {
- if( $pcentry ){
- push (@comments_in_pc_entry, $pline);
- } else {
- push (@comment, $pline);
- }
- } elsif ($pline =~ m!^:!) {
- push( @comment, @comments_in_pc_entry );
- @comments_in_pc_entry = ();
- if( $pcentry ne "" ){
- $pcentry .= $pline;
- } else {
- die( "bad printcap entry at '$pline'" );
- }
- } elsif( $pcentry ne "" ){
- push (@items, { 'itemstr' => $pcentry,
- 'comments' => [ @comment ] });
- @comment = @comments_in_pc_entry;
- @comments_in_pc_entry = ();
- $pcentry = $pline;
- } else {
- $pcentry = $pline;
- }
- }
- if( $pcentry ){
- push( @comment, @comments_in_pc_entry );
- @comments_in_pc_entry = ();
- push (@items, { 'itemstr' => $pcentry,
- 'comments' => [ @comment ] });
- @comment = ();
- }
- # Trailing comments get stuck on as empty item later...
- print "Printcap:\n" . Dumper(\@items ) if $debug;
- my $p;
- for $p (@items) {
- my $item;
- my $first = 1;
- my $tci = 0;
- for $item (split(/:\s*/, $p->{'itemstr'})) {
- next if $item =~ m!^\s*$!;
- if ($first) {
- my $name;
- for $name (split('\|',$item)) {
- $name =~ s!\s*(.+)\s*!$1!;
- push (@{$p->{'names'}}, $name);
- }
- $first = 0;
- } else {
- if ($item =~ m!^([^=]*)=(.+)!) {
- # special case of 'tc' items, as there can be more
- # than one
- if ($1 eq 'tc') { $p->{'str'}{"tc$tci"} = $2; $tci++; }
- else { $p->{'str'}{$1} = $2; }
- } elsif ($item =~ m!^([^\#]*)\#(.+)!) {
- $p->{'num'}{$1} = $2;
- } elsif ($item =~ m!^([^\@]*)\@?!) {
- $p->{'bool'}{$1} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Trailing comments from way above...
- if (scalar(@comment)) {
- push (@items, {'comments' => [ @comment ]});
- }
- return \@items;
- }
- sub load_cups_printersconf {
- # list-o-printers
- my @items = ();
- my $itemshash = {};
- if ($< == 0) {
- # Get info from /etc/cups/printers.conf, works only as "root" and
- # with locally defined printers
- my @pconf = ();
- if (open PCONF, $sysdeps->{'cups-pconf'}) {
- @pconf = <PCONF>;
- close PCONF;
- }
- my $line;
- my $p = {};
- my $linecount = 0;
- for $line (@pconf) {
- $linecount ++;
- if (!($line =~ m!^\s*\#!) && (!($line =~ m!^\s*$!))) {
- if ($line =~ m!^\s*<(.*)Printer\s+([^\s>]+)>\s*$!) {
- # Beginning of new <Printer ...> block
- $p->{'name'} = $2;
- $p->{'default'} = ($1 eq "Default");
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s*</Printer>\s*$!) {
- # End of <Printer ...> block
- push (@items, $p);
- $itemshash->{$p->{name}} = $#items;
- $p = {};
- } elsif (defined($p->{'name'})) {
- # Inside <Printer ...> block
- if (($line =~ m!^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$!) and
- ($1 ne '')) {$p->{$1} = $2};
- } else {
- # Outside <Printer ...> block
- die "Line $linecount in $sysdeps->{'cups-pconf'} " .
- "invalid!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (($< != 0) || (($opt_r) && (($opt_Q) || ($opt_P)))) {
- # Get info with the "lpstat" command, works for normal users and for
- # remote printers.
- open LPSTAT, "$sysdeps->{'cups-lpstat'} -l -d -p -v |" or
- die "Cannot execute \"lpstat\".\n";
- my @lpstat = <LPSTAT>;
- close LPSTAT;
- my $line;
- my $linecount = 0;
- my $defaultprinter = '';
- my $currentitem = -1;
- for $line (@lpstat) {
- chomp ($line);
- $linecount ++;
- if (!($line =~ m!^\s*$!)) {
- if ($line =~
- m!^\s*system\s+default\s+destination:\s+(\S+)\s*$!) {
- # Default printer
- $defaultprinter = $1;
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^printer\s+(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- # Beginning of new printer's entry
- my $name = $1;
- my $state = $2;
- $state =~ s/\s+-$//;
- if (!defined($itemshash->{$name})) {
- push(@items, {});
- $itemshash->{$name} = $#items;
- # If we are root and didn't see this entry
- # in /etc/cups/printers.conf, this printer
- # is remotely defined
- if ($< == 0) {
- $items[$itemshash->{$name}]{'remote'} = 1;
- }
- }
- $currentitem = $itemshash->{$name};
- $items[$currentitem]{'name'} ||= $name;
- $items[$currentitem]{'State'} ||= $state;
- $items[$currentitem]{'default'} =
- ($name eq $defaultprinter);
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s+Description:\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- # Description field
- if ($currentitem != -1) {
- $items[$currentitem]{'Info'} ||= $1;
- }
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s+Location:\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- # Location field
- if ($currentitem != -1) {
- $items[$currentitem]{'Location'} ||= $1;
- }
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s+Connection:\s+remote!) {
- # Remote printer, only keep it when the "-r" option is
- # given
- if (!$opt_r) {
- # "delete" does not work on arrays with Perl 5.0.x
- # Thanks to Olaf Till (i7tiol@t-online.de) who
- # contributed this fix
- splice(@items, $currentitem, 1);
- #delete($items[$currentitem]);
- $currentitem = -1;
- } else {
- if ($currentitem != -1) {
- $items[$currentitem]{'remote'} = 1;
- }
- }
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^device\s+for\s+(\S+):\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- # "device for ..." line, extract URI
- my $name = $1;
- my $uri = $2;
- if (defined($itemshash->{$name})) {
- if ($uri !~ /:/) {$uri = "file:" . $uri};
- $currentitem = $itemshash->{$name};
- if (($currentitem <= $#items) &&
- ($items[$currentitem]{'name'} eq $name)) {
- $items[$currentitem]{'DeviceURI'} ||= $uri;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return \@items;
- }
- sub dump_pdq_printrc {
- my $printrc = $_[0];
- my @retval;
- my $item;
- for $item (@{$printrc}) {
- if (defined($item->{'name'})) {
- # $item is a "printer" block
- push (@retval, "printer \"$item->{'name'}\" \{\n");
- for my $key (keys(%{$item})) {
- if (($key ne 'name') && ($key ne 'others')) {
- push (@retval, "\t$key $item->{$key}\n");
- }
- }
- push (@retval, "\}\n");
- } elsif (defined($item->{'others'})) {
- # $item is not a "printer" block
- push (@retval, $item->{'others'});
- }
- }
- # Check whether there is a already a 'try_include "/etc/foomatic/pdq/*"'
- # line in the config file
- if (!(join("", @retval) =~
- m!^\s*try_include\s*\"$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/pdq/driverdescr/\*\"\s*$!m)) {
- splice(@retval,0,0,"# Line inserted by $progname\ntry_include " .
- "\"$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/pdq/driverdescr/*\"\n\n");
- }
- # De-activate old line from Foomatic 2.0.x
- ($_ =~ s!^\s*try_include\s*\"$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/pdq/\*\"\s*$!\#$&!m)
- foreach @retval;
- return @retval;
- }
- sub load_pdq_printrc {
- # list-o-printers, with storage of non-printer-specific lines
- open PRINTRC, $sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'} or
- die "Cannot read printrc file!\n";
- my @printrc = <PRINTRC>;
- close PRINTRC;
- my @items;
- my @others;
- my $line;
- my $p;
- my $linecount = 0;
- my $inprinterblock = 0;
- my $nonprinterlines = 0;
- for $line (@printrc) {
- $linecount ++;
- if ($line =~ m!^\s*printer\s+\"(.+)\"\s*{\s*$!) {
- if ($inprinterblock == 1) {
- die "New printer block started without previous one " .
- "being closed!\nLine $linecount in " .
- "$sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'}.\n";
- }
- # Beginning of new "printer" block
- # Store all non-printer-block stuff at first
- if ($nonprinterlines == 1) {
- push (@items, {'others' => join ("", @others )});
- $nonprinterlines = 0;
- @others = ();
- }
- # Read printer block name
- $inprinterblock = 1;
- $p->{'name'} = $1;
- } elsif ($inprinterblock == 1) {
- # Inside "printer" block
- if ($line =~ m!^\s*}\s*$!) {
- # End of "printer" block
- $inprinterblock = 0;
- push (@items, $p);
- $p = {};
- } elsif ($line =~ m!^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+.*)$!) {
- $p->{$1} = $2;
- } elsif ((!($line =~ m!^\s*\#!)) &&
- (!($line =~ m!^\s*$!))) {
- die "Line $linecount in $sysdeps->{'pdq-printrc'} " .
- "invalid!\n";
- }
- } else {
- # Outside "printer" block
- push(@others, $line);
- $nonprinterlines = 1;
- }
- }
- # Trailing non-printer lines get stuck on as empty item
- if ($nonprinterlines == 1) {
- my $lines = join ("", @others);
- # Make sure that the last line line ends with a newline character
- if (!($lines =~ m!\n$!s)) {$lines .= "\n";}
- push (@items, {'others' => $lines});
- }
- return \@items;
- }
- sub load_ppr_printers_conf {
- # Check whether there is a group named "default" to see what is the
- # default printer.
- my $defaultfromgroup = " ";
- "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} group show default 2>/dev/null |"){
- for my $line (<SHOWDEFAULTGROUP>) {
- chomp $line;
- if ($line =~ /\s*Members:\s*([^\s,]+)\s*$/) {
- $defaultfromgroup = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- # list-o-printers
- my @items = ();
- my $itemshash = {};
- if ($< == 0) {
- # Get info from /etc/ppr/printers/<queue name>, works only as
- # "root"
- opendir PCONFDIR, "$sysdeps->{'ppr-etc'}/printers" or
- die "Cannot read $sysdeps->{'ppr-etc'}/printers directory!\n";
- my $name;
- while ($name = readdir(PCONFDIR)) {
- # Do not consider "." and ".." as a printer queue
- next if ($name =~ /^\./);
- my $line;
- my $p = {};
- $p->{'name'} = $name;
- $p->{'default'} = (($name eq "default") ||
- ($name eq $defaultfromgroup));
- @{$p->{'Bins'}} = ();
- my $linecount = 0;
- open PCONFFILE, "$sysdeps->{'ppr-etc'}/printers/$name" or
- die "Cannot read $sysdeps->{'ppr-etc'}/printers/$name!\n";
- for my $line (<PCONFFILE>) {
- chomp $line;
- $linecount ++;
- if (!($line =~ m!^\s*\#!) && (!($line =~ m!^\s*$!))) {
- if (($line =~ m!^\s*([^\s:]+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)$!) ||
- ($line =~ m!^\s*([^\s:]+)\s*:\s*()$!)) {
- # <keyword>: <value1> <value2> ...
- my $keyword = $1;
- my $values = $2;
- if (($values) && ($values ne "")) {
- # If the value is enclosed in double quotes,
- # remove the quotes
- $values =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
- if ($keyword eq "Bin") {
- push (@{$p->{'Bins'}}, $values);
- } else {
- $p->{$keyword} = $values;
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn "Line $linecount in " .
- "$sysdeps->{'ppr-etc'}/printers/$name " .
- "corrupted:\n $line\n";
- }
- }
- }
- close PCONFFILE;
- push (@items, $p);
- $itemshash->{$p->{'name'}} = $#items;
- }
- }
- if ($< != 0) {
- # Get info with the "ppop"/"ppad" commands, works for normal users,
- # but needs installed and running PPR printing system
- open PPOP_DEST, "$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppop'} destination all |" or
- die "Cannot execute \"ppop\".\n";
- my @ppop_dest = <PPOP_DEST>;
- close PPOP_DEST;
- my $line;
- my $linecount = 0;
- my $currentitem = -1;
- for $line (@ppop_dest) {
- chomp ($line);
- $linecount ++;
- if (($line !~ m!^\s*-+\s*$!) &&
- ($line !~ m!^\s*Destination\s+Type\s+Status\s+Charge\s*$!)){
- if ($line =~ m!^\s*(\S+)\s+printer!) {
- my $name = $1;
- open PPAD_SHOW,"$sysdeps->{'ppr-ppad'} show $name |" or
- die "Cannot execute \"ppad\".\n";
- my $lcount = 0;
- if (!defined($itemshash->{$name})) {
- push(@items, {});
- $itemshash->{$name} = $#items;
- #print Dumper($itemshash);
- }
- $currentitem = $itemshash->{$name};
- $items[$currentitem]{'name'} ||= $name;
- $items[$currentitem]{'default'} =
- (($name eq "default") ||
- ($name eq $defaultfromgroup));
- for my $line (<PPAD_SHOW>) {
- chomp $line;
- $lcount ++;
- if ((!($line =~ m!^\s*\#!)) &&
- (!($line =~ m!^\s*$!))) {
- if ($line =~
- m!^\s*([^\s:][^:]*)\s*:\s*(.*)$!) {
- # <keyword>: <value1> <value2> ...
- my $keyword = $1;
- my $values = $2;
- if (($values) && ($values ne "")) {
- # If the value is enclosed in double
- # quotes, remove the quotes
- $values =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
- if ($keyword eq "Bins") {
- @{$items[$currentitem]{'Bins'}} =
- split(", ", $values);
- } else {
- if ($keyword eq "Switchset") {
- $values =~ s/ -(\S) /\|$1/g;
- $values =~ s/-(\S) /$1/g;
- $values =~ s/\'//g;
- $values =~ s/^|//g;
- }
- $items[$currentitem]{$keyword} =
- $values;
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn "Line $lcount in \"ppad show " .
- "$name\" corrupted:\n $line\n";
- }
- }
- }
- close PPAD_SHOW;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return \@items;
- }
- sub dump_direct_config {
- my $config = $_[0];
- my @retval;
- my $defaultprinter = undef;
- my $item;
- for $item (@{$config}) {
- if (defined($item->{'name'})) {
- if (defined($item->{'desc'})) {
- push (@retval, "$item->{'name'} desc:$item->{'desc'}\n");
- }
- if (defined($item->{'loc'})) {
- push (@retval, "$item->{'name'} loc:$item->{'loc'}\n");
- }
- if ($item->{'default'}) {
- $defaultprinter = $item->{'name'};
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined($defaultprinter)) {
- unshift(@retval, "default: $defaultprinter\n");
- }
- return @retval;
- }
- sub load_direct_config {
- # list-o-printers
- my @items = ();
- my $itemshash = {};
- # Configured printers are represented by PPD files in /etc/foomatic/
- opendir PCONFDIR, "$sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/direct" or
- die "Cannot read $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'}/direct directory!\n";
- my $name;
- while ($name = readdir(PCONFDIR)) {
- # Files beginning with a dot or ending with a tilde are never
- # printers
- next if (($name =~ /^\./) || ($name =~ /~$/));
- # Only ".ppd" files are printer descriptions.
- next unless ($name =~ /\.ppd$/i);
- $name =~ s/\.ppd$//i;
- # Do not make two entries when there is both a ".ppd" AND ".PPD"
- # file for the same printer name.
- next if (defined($itemshash->{$name}));
- my $p = {};
- $p->{'name'} = $name;
- push (@items, $p);
- $itemshash->{$p->{'name'}} = $#items;
- }
- # Get additional info from /etc/foomatic/direct/.config (default
- # printer, description, location
- if (open CONFIG, "< $sysdeps->{'direct-config'}") {
- while (my $line = <CONFIG>) {
- chomp $line;
- if ($line =~ /^default\s*:\s*([^:\s]+)\s*$/) {
- my $currentitem = $itemshash->{$1};
- $items[$currentitem]{'default'} = 1;
- } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([^:\s]+)\s+([^:\s]+)\s*:(.*)$/) {
- my $currentitem = $itemshash->{$1};
- $items[$currentitem]{$2} = $3;
- }
- }
- close CONFIG;
- }
- return \@items;
- }
- sub cups_correct_ptal_uri {
- # HPOJ 0.9 uses "ptal:..." URIs with one slash
- # ("ptal:/mlc:usb:dj450") and the current CVS of HPOJ uses two
- # slashes ("ptal://mlc:usb:dj450"). Correct the user-supplied URI
- # according to what "lpinfo -v" reports.
- my ($uri) = @_;
- $uri =~ m!^ptal://?([^/].*)$!;
- my $device = $1;
- # PTAL URIs listed by "lpinfo -v"
- open F, "$sysdeps->{'cups-lpinfo'} -v |" or return (@_);
- while (my $line = <F>) {
- chomp($line);
- my $d = quotemeta($device);
- if ($line =~ m!(ptal://?$d)$!) {
- my $realdevice = $1;
- close F;
- return $realdevice;
- }
- }
- close F;
- # Nothing found, do not correct the input
- return @_;
- }
- sub cups_generate_usb_device_lists {
- # Generate two lists: One of the actual USB device files in the
- # file system, another of the USB URIs listed by CUPS' "lpinfo -v"
- # Actual devices
- my @usbdevices;
- for my $pattern ("/dev/usb/lp*", "/dev/usb/usblp*") {
- open F, "ls -1 $pattern 2>/dev/null |" or next;
- @usbdevices = sort { Foomatic::DB::normalizename($a) cmp
- Foomatic::DB::normalizename($b) }
- grep { chomp } <F>;
- close F;
- last if $#usbdevices >= 0;
- }
- return ([], []) if $#usbdevices < 0;
- # USB URIs listed by "lpinfo -v"
- open F, "$sysdeps->{'cups-lpinfo'} -v |" or return ([], []);
- my @usburis = grep { s!^direct usb:!! and chomp } <F>;
- close F;
- return ([], []) if $#usburis < 0;
- # Results
- return (\@usbdevices, \@usburis);
- }
- sub cups_usb_device_uri_to_printer_uri {
- # Transfer a device file name into a printer-bound CUPS URI for
- # the printer currently connected
- my ($device) = @_;
- return $device if $device =~ m!^//!;
- my @devicelists = cups_generate_usb_device_lists();
- return $device if (($#{$devicelists[0]} < 0) ||
- ($#{$devicelists[1]} < 0));
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$devicelists[0]}; $i ++) {
- last if !$devicelists[1][$i];
- if ($device eq $devicelists[0][$i]) {
- return $devicelists[1][$i];
- }
- }
- return $device;
- }
- sub cups_usb_printer_uri_to_device_uri {
- # Transfer a device file name into a printer-bound CUPS URI for
- # the printer currently connected
- my ($device) = @_;
- return $device if $device =~ m!^/[^/]!;
- $device =~ s/ /\%20/g;
- my @devicelists = cups_generate_usb_device_lists();
- return $device if (($#{$devicelists[0]} < 0) ||
- ($#{$devicelists[1]} < 0));
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$devicelists[1]}; $i ++) {
- last if !$devicelists[0][$i];
- if ($device eq $devicelists[1][$i]) {
- return $devicelists[0][$i];
- }
- }
- return $device;
- }
- sub load_datablob {
- my ($spooler, $queue) = @_;
- my $spoolersubdir;
- my $datablob;
- if (($spooler eq "lpd") ||
- ($spooler eq "lprng")) {
- $datablob = load_lpd_datablob($queue);
- $spoolersubdir = 'lpd';
- } elsif ($spooler eq "cups") {
- $datablob = load_cups_datablob($queue);
- $spoolersubdir = 'cups';
- } elsif ($spooler eq "pdq") {
- $datablob = load_pdq_datablob($queue);
- $spoolersubdir = 'pdq';
- } elsif ($spooler eq "ppr") {
- $datablob = load_ppr_datablob($queue);
- $spoolersubdir = 'ppr';
- } elsif ($spooler eq "direct") {
- $datablob = load_direct_datablob($queue);
- $spoolersubdir = 'direct';
- } else {
- die "Unsupported spooler: $spooler\n";
- }
- # Is the given queue a valid queue?
- if (!$datablob) {
- return undef;
- }
- return ($datablob);
- }
- sub load_lpd_datablob {
- my ($queue) = $_[0];
- # Load the PPD file
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/lpd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $queue);
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile);
- if (defined($dat)) {
- $dat->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile;
- }
- my $postpipe = (defined($dat) ? $dat->{'postpipe'} : "");
- # Get additional info from /etc/printcap
- my $pcap = load_lpd_printcap();
- my $p;
- for $p (@{$pcap}) {
- # enpty end entry for trailing comments
- next if !defined($p->{'names'});
- # Search for the correct queue
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'names'}[0]);
- # Collect values
- my $c = {};
- my $name = $c->{'queue'} = $p->{'names'}[0];
- $c->{'desc'} = $p->{'names'}[1] if $p->{'names'}[1];
- $c->{'loc'} = $p->{'names'}[3] if $p->{'names'}[3];
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 0;
- my $if = ($p->{'str'}{'if'} || "");
- if ($if =~ m!foomatic-rip$!) {
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 1;
- $c->{'printer'} = $dat->{'id'};
- $c->{'driver'} = $dat->{'driver'};
- }
- if (!$p->{'bool'}{'force_localhost'}) {
- # LPD
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'lpd';
- } else {
- # LPRng
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'lprng';
- }
- # TODO Raw queue for LPD
- # if (0 and $p->{'str'}{'if'} eq $file) { # Raw queue with $postpipe
- # if (open FILE, "$file") {
- # # The first line is #!/bin/sh
- # $line = <FILE>;
- # # The second line is a comment
- # $line = <FILE>;
- # # The remaining line(s) are the $postpipe
- # $line = join('', <FILE>);
- # chomp $line;
- # $postpipe = "| $line";
- # close FILE;
- # }
- # }
- if (defined($postpipe)) {
- if ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'cat'}|cat)\s+-?\s*>\s*([^\s]+)\s*$!) {
- my $file = $2;
- if (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $c->{'connect'} = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!usb!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "usb:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(tty|serial)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "serial:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(lp[0-9]|parallel)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "parallel:$file";
- } else {
- $c->{'connect'} = "file:$file";
- }
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'}|ptal-connect|ptal-print)\s+(-print\s+|)([^\s]+)(\s+-print|)\s*$!){
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$3";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'nc'}|netcat|nc)\s+(-w\s*1\s+|)([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*$!){
- $c->{'connect'} = "socket://$3:$4";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'rlpr'}\s.*-P\s*([^\s\\\@]+)\@([^\s\\\@]+)\s*$!) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "lpd://$2/$1";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^.*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'smbclient'}\s+\"//([^/\s]+)/([^/\s]+)\"\s+(\S.*)$!s) {
- my $servershare = "$1/$2";
- my $parameters = $3;
- my $password = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^([^-]\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $password = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $username = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-U\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $username = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $workgroup = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-W\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $workgroup = "$1/";
- }
- my $identity = "";
- if (($username eq "GUEST") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username ne "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "$username\@";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password ne "")) {
- $identity = ":$password\@";
- } else {
- $identity = "$username:$password\@";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = "smb://$identity$workgroup$servershare";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'nprint'}\s+(\S.*)$!s) {
- my $parameters = $1;
- my $server = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-S\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $server = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $username = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-U\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $username = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $password = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-P\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $password = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-n\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $parameters = $1;
- }
- my $queue = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-q\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $queue = $1;
- }
- my $identity = "";
- if (($username eq "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username ne "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "$username\@";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password ne "")) {
- $identity = ":$password\@";
- } else {
- $identity = "$username:$password\@";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = "ncp://$identity$server/$queue";
- } elsif( $postpipe ){
- $postpipe =~ m!\s*\|\s*(\S.*)$!;
- $c->{'connect'} = "postpipe:\"$1\"";
- }
- } else {
- my $lp = $p->{'str'}{'lp'};
- if (defined($lp) and $lp and $lp ne '/dev/null') {
- if (($lp =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($lp =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($lp =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($lp =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($lp =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $c->{'connect'} = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($lp =~ m!^\w+:!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = $lp;
- } else {
- $c->{'connect'} = "file:$lp";
- }
- }
- my ($rm, $rp) = ($p->{'str'}{'rm'}, $p->{'str'}{'rp'});
- if (defined($rm) and defined($rp)) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "lpd://$rm/$rp";
- }
- }
- $dat->{'queuedata'} = $c;
- }
- if (!defined($dat->{'queuedata'})) {$dat = undef};
- return $dat;
- }
- sub load_cups_datablob {
- my ($queue) = $_[0];
- # Load the PPD file
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/ppd/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'cups-etc'},
- $queue);
- #my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/%s.ppd',
- # $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- # $queue);
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile);
- if (defined($dat)) {
- $dat->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile;
- }
- # Get additional info from /etc/cups/printers.conf
- my $pconf = load_cups_printersconf();
- my $p;
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'name'});
- # Collect values
- my $c = {};
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'cups';
- $c->{'queue'} = $p->{'name'};
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 0;
- if (defined($dat->{'id'}) and defined($dat->{'driver'})) {
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 1;
- $c->{'printer'} = $dat->{'id'};
- $c->{'driver'} = $dat->{'driver'};
- }
- $c->{'desc'} = $p->{'Info'};
- $c->{'loc'} = $p->{'Location'};
- my $uri = $p->{'DeviceURI'};
- # Is the beh (Backend Error Handler) wrapper backend in use?
- # If yes, read out its parameters and isolate the original URI.
- if ($uri =~ m!^beh:/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\S+)$!) {
- $c->{'dd'} = $1;
- $c->{'att'} = $2;
- $c->{'delay'} = $3;
- $uri = $4;
- } else {
- $c->{'dd'} = 0;
- $c->{'att'} = 1;
- $c->{'delay'} = 30;
- }
- if (($uri =~ m!^file:$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($uri =~ m!^file:/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($uri =~ m!^file:/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate URI for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $uri = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($uri =~ m!^file:$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($uri =~ m!^file:/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate URI for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $uri = "mtink:/$1";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = $uri;
- # CUPS-specific extra info
- $c->{'quotaperiod'} = $p->{'QuotaPeriod'}
- if defined($p->{'QuotaPeriod'});
- $c->{'pagelimit'} = $p->{'PageLimit'}
- if defined($p->{'PageLimit'});
- $c->{'klimit'} = $p->{'KLimit'}
- if defined($p->{'KLimit'});
- # CUPS 1.2-specific settings
- $c->{'laststatechange'} = $p->{'StateTime'}
- if defined($p->{'StateTime'});
- $c->{'shared'} = $p->{'Shared'}
- if defined($p->{'Shared'});
- $c->{'operationpolicy'} = $p->{'OpPolicy'}
- if defined($p->{'OpPolicy'});
- $c->{'errorpolicy'} = $p->{'ErrorPolicy'}
- if defined($p->{'ErrorPolicy'});
- $dat->{'queuedata'} = $c;
- }
- if (!defined($dat->{'queuedata'})) {$dat = undef};
- return $dat;
- }
- sub load_pdq_datablob {
- my ($queue) = $_[0];
- # Load the PPD file
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/pdq/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $queue);
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile);
- if (defined($dat)) {
- $dat->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile;
- }
- if (defined($dat)) {
- my $printrc = load_pdq_printrc();
- my $p;
- my $pdqopts;
- my $pdqargs;
- for $p (@{$printrc}) {
- # Omit non-printer-block items
- next if (!(defined($p->{'name'})));
- # Search the current queue
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'name'});
- $pdqopts = $p->{'driver_opts'};
- $pdqargs = $p->{'driver_args'};
- }
- my @printrcdefaults = split(",", $pdqopts);
- push (@printrcdefaults, split(",", $pdqargs));
- my $c;
- @{$c->{'options'}} = ();
- for my $option (@printrcdefaults) {
- if ($option =~
- m!^\s*\{?\s*\"(OPT_|)(.+?)\"\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*\}?\s*$!) {
- push (@{$c->{'options'}}, "$2=$3");
- } elsif ($option =~
- m!^\s*\{?\s*\"(OPT_|)([^_]+?)_(.+?)\"\s*\}?\s*$!) {
- push (@{$c->{'options'}}, "$2=$3");
- } elsif ($option =~ m!^\s*\{?\s*\"(OPT_|)(.+?)\"\s*\}?\s*$!) {
- push (@{$c->{'options'}}, "$2");
- }
- }
- set_default_options($c, $dat);
- }
- # Get additional info from printrc
- my $printrc = load_pdq_printrc();
- my $p;
- for $p (@{$printrc}) {
- # Omit non-printer-block items
- next if (!(defined($p->{'name'})));
- # Search for the appropriate queue
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'name'});
- my $c = {};
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'pdq';
- $c->{'queue'} = $p->{'name'};
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 0;
- if (defined($dat->{'id'}) and defined($dat->{'driver'})) {
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 1;
- $c->{'printer'} = $dat->{'id'};
- $c->{'driver'} = $dat->{'driver'};
- }
- if (defined($p->{'model'})) {
- my $desc = $p->{'model'};
- $desc =~ s!^\"!!;
- $desc =~ s!\"$!!;
- if ($desc ne '') {$c->{'desc'} = $desc;}
- }
- if (defined($p->{'location'})) {
- my $loc = $p->{'location'};
- $loc =~ s!^\"!!;
- $loc =~ s!\"$!!;
- if ($loc ne '') {$c->{'loc'} = $loc;}
- }
- if ($p->{'interface'} =~ m!local-port!) {
- # Local printer
- $p->{'interface_args'} =~ m!\"?PORT\"?\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?!;
- my $file = $1;
- if (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $c->{'connect'} = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!usb!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "usb:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(tty|serial)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "serial:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(lp[0-9]|parallel)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "parallel:$file";
- } else {
- $c->{'connect'} = "file:$file";
- }
- } elsif ($p->{'interface'} =~ m!bsd-lpd!) {
- # Remote LPD
- $p->{'interface_args'} =~
- m!\"?REMOTE_HOST\"?\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?!;
- my $remhost = $1;
- $p->{'interface_args'} =~
- m!\"?QUEUE\"?\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?!;
- my $remqueue = $1;
- $c->{'connect'} = "lpd://$remhost/$remqueue";
- } elsif ($p->{'interface'} =~ m!tcp-port!) {
- # Socket
- $p->{'interface_args'} =~
- m!\"?REMOTE_HOST\"?\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?!;
- my $remhost = $1;
- $p->{'interface_args'} =~
- m!\"?REMOTE_PORT\"?\s*=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?!;
- my $remport = $1;
- $c->{'connect'} = "socket://$remhost:$remport";
- }
- $dat->{'queuedata'} = $c;
- }
- if (!defined($dat->{'queuedata'})) {$dat = undef};
- return $dat;
- }
- sub load_ppr_datablob {
- my ($queue) = $_[0];
- # Load the PPD file
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/ppr/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $queue);
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile);
- if (defined($dat)) {
- $dat->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile;
- }
- # Get additional info from /etc/ppr/*
- my $pconf = load_ppr_printers_conf();
- my $p;
- for $p (@{$pconf}) {
- # were we invoked for only one queue?
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'name'});
- # Collect values
- my $c = {};
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'ppr';
- $c->{'queue'} = $p->{'name'};
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 0;
- if (defined($dat->{'id'}) and defined($dat->{'driver'})) {
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 1;
- $c->{'printer'} = $dat->{'id'};
- $c->{'driver'} = $dat->{'driver'};
- }
- $c->{'desc'} = $p->{'Comment'};
- $c->{'loc'} = $p->{'Location'};
- if (defined($dat)) {
- my @printerdefaults = split('|', $p->{'Switchset'});
- my $o;
- @{$o->{'options'}} = ();
- for my $option (@printerdefaults) {
- if (($option =~
- /^F\s*\*([^\*\s=:]+)\s+([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/) ||
- ($option =~
- /^F\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*=\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/)) {
- push (@{$o->{'options'}}, "$1=$2");
- } elsif (($option =~ /^F\s*\*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/) ||
- ($option =~ /^F\s*([^\*\s=:]+)\s*$/)) {
- push (@{$o->{'options'}}, "$1");
- }
- }
- set_default_options($o, $dat);
- }
- my $address = $p->{'Address'};
- my $interface = $p->{'Interface'};
- my $interface_options = $p->{'Options'};
- if (($interface eq "foomatic-rip") ||
- ($interface eq "ppromatic")) {
- if ($interface_options =~ /backend=(\S+)/) {
- $interface = $1;
- $interface_options =~ s/backend=(\S+)//;
- if ($interface_options =~ /^\s*$/) {
- $interface_options = "";
- }
- } else {
- $interface = "";
- }
- }
- my $uri = "";
- if (($interface eq "simple") || ($interface eq "parallel") ||
- ($interface eq "serial") || ($interface eq "dummy")) {
- # local printer
- if (($address =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($address =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($address =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $uri = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($address =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($address =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $uri = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($address =~ m!^\w+:!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = $address;
- } else {
- $uri = "file:$address";
- }
- } elsif ($interface eq "lpr") {
- # Remote LPD
- if ($address =~ /^([^\@]+)\@([^\@]+)$/) {
- my $remhost = $2;
- my $remqueue = $1;
- $uri = "lpd://$remhost/$remqueue";
- } else {
- die "Remote LPD configuration of the queue $p->{'name'} " .
- "broken!\n";
- }
- } elsif ($interface eq "tcpip") {
- # Socket (AppSocket/HP JetDirect)
- $uri = "socket://$address";
- } elsif ($interface eq "smb") {
- # SMB (Printer on Windows server)
- if ($address =~ m!^//([^/]+)/([^/]+)$!) {
- my $smbserver = $1;
- my $smbshare = $2;
- my $smbuser = "";
- if ($interface_options =~ /smbuser=(\S+)/) {
- $smbuser = $1;
- } else {
- # The PPR interface for SMB uses the user name "ppr"
- # when no user name is given.
- $smbuser = "ppr";
- }
- my $smbpassword = "";
- if ($interface_options =~ /smbpassword=(\S+)/) {
- $smbpassword = $1;
- }
- if (($smbpassword ne "") && ($smbuser eq "")) {
- $smbuser = "GUEST";
- }
- $uri = "$smbserver/$smbshare";
- if ($smbuser ne "") {
- if ($smbpassword ne "") {
- $smbuser .= ":$smbpassword";
- }
- $uri = "$smbuser\@$uri";
- }
- $uri = "smb://$uri";
- } else {
- die "SMB configuration of the queue $p->{'name'} broken!\n";
- }
- } else {
- # Interface not supported by Foomatic
- $uri = "$interface:$address";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = $uri;
- $dat->{'queuedata'} = $c;
- }
- if (!defined($dat->{'queuedata'})) {$dat = undef};
- return $dat;
- }
- sub load_direct_datablob {
- my ($queue) = $_[0];
- # Load the PPD file
- my $ppdfile = sprintf('%s/direct/%s.ppd',
- $sysdeps->{'foo-etc'},
- $queue);
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($ppdfile);
- if (defined($dat)) {
- $dat->{'ppdfile'} = $ppdfile;
- }
- my $postpipe = (defined($dat) ? $dat->{'postpipe'} : "");
- # Get additional info from /etc/foomatic/direct/.config
- my $config = load_direct_config();
- my $p;
- for $p (@{$config}) {
- # invalid entry
- next if !defined($p->{'name'});
- # Search for the correct queue
- next if ($queue ne $p->{'name'});
- # Collect values
- my $c = {};
- my $name = $c->{'queue'} = $p->{'name'};
- $c->{'desc'} = $p->{'desc'};
- $c->{'loc'} = $p->{'loc'};
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 0;
- if (defined($dat->{'id'}) and defined($dat->{'driver'})) {
- $c->{'foomatic'} = 1;
- $c->{'printer'} = $dat->{'id'};
- $c->{'driver'} = $dat->{'driver'};
- }
- $c->{'spooler'} = 'direct';
- if (defined($postpipe)) {
- if ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'cat'}|cat)\s+-?\s*>\s*([^\s]+)\s*$!) {
- my $file = $2;
- if (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'ptal-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/dev/ptal-printd/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/run/ptal-printd/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for ptal-printd to ptal URI
- my $devname = $1;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $devname =~ s/_/:/;
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$devname";
- } elsif (($file =~ m!^$sysdeps->{'mtink-pipes'}/(.+)$!) ||
- ($file =~ m!^/var/mtink/(.+)$!)) {
- # Translate device for mtinkd to mtink URI
- $c->{'connect'} = "mtink:/$1";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!usb!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "usb:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(tty|serial)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "serial:$file";
- } elsif ($file =~ m!(lp[0-9]|parallel)!i) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "parallel:$file";
- } else {
- $c->{'connect'} = "file:$file";
- }
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'ptal-connect'}|ptal-connect|ptal-print)\s+(-print\s+|)([^\s]+)(\s+-print|)\s*$!){
- $c->{'connect'} = "ptal:/$3";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*($sysdeps->{'nc'}|netcat|nc)\s+(-w\s*1\s+|)([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*$!){
- $c->{'connect'} = "socket://$3:$4";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'rlpr'}\s.*-P\s*([^\s\\\@]+)\@([^\s\\\@]+)\s*$!) {
- $c->{'connect'} = "lpd://$2/$1";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^.*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'smbclient'}\s+\"//([^/\s]+)/([^/\s]+)\"\s+(\S.*)$!s) {
- my $servershare = "$1/$2";
- my $parameters = $3;
- my $password = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^([^-]\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $password = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $username = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-U\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $username = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $workgroup = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-W\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $workgroup = "$1/";
- }
- my $identity = "";
- if (($username eq "GUEST") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username ne "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "$username\@";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password ne "")) {
- $identity = ":$password\@";
- } else {
- $identity = "$username:$password\@";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = "smb://$identity$workgroup$servershare";
- } elsif ($postpipe =~
- m!^\s*\|\s*$sysdeps->{'nprint'}\s+(\S.*)$!s) {
- my $parameters = $1;
- my $server = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-S\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $server = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $username = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-U\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $username = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- my $password = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-P\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $password = $1;
- $parameters = $2;
- }
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-n\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $parameters = $1;
- }
- my $queue = "";
- if ($parameters =~ m!^-q\s+(\S*)\s+(\S.*)$!) {
- $queue = $1;
- }
- my $identity = "";
- if (($username eq "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "";
- } elsif (($username ne "") && ($password eq "")) {
- $identity = "$username\@";
- } elsif (($username eq "") && ($password ne "")) {
- $identity = ":$password\@";
- } else {
- $identity = "$username:$password\@";
- }
- $c->{'connect'} = "ncp://$identity$server/$queue";
- } else {
- $postpipe =~ m!\s*\|\s*(\S.*)$!;
- $c->{'connect'} = "postpipe:\"$1\"";
- }
- } else {
- $c->{'connect'} = "stdout";
- }
- $dat->{'queuedata'} = $c;
- }
- if (!defined($dat->{'queuedata'})) {$dat = undef};
- return $dat;
- }
- sub overtake_defaults {
- # overtake the option default settings from $olddatablob
- my ($olddatablob) = $_[0];
- my $c;
- @{$c->{'options'}} = ();
- for my $opt (@{$olddatablob->{'args'}}) {
- push (@{$c->{'options'}}, "$opt->{'name'}=$opt->{'default'}");
- }
- set_default_options($c, $db->{'dat'});
- }
- sub set_default_options {
- # Set the default printing options by doing changes on the Perl
- # structure produced by "getdat", before the spooler-specific
- # datafile is generated
- my ($config) = $_[0];
- my ($dest) = $_[1];
- if ($#{$config->{'options'}} >= 0) {
- for (@{$config->{'options'}}) {
- my $option = $_;
- if ($option =~ m!^\s*([^=]+)=([^=]*)\s*$!) {
- # evaluated or numerical option, boolean option with
- # value "True", "False", "Yes", "No", "On", "Off", "1", "0"
- # given
- my $optname = $1;
- my $optvalue = $2;
- if (defined($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname})) {
- if ($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'type'} eq
- 'bool') {
- if ((lc($optvalue) eq 'true') ||
- (lc($optvalue) eq 'on') ||
- (lc($optvalue) eq 'yes')) {
- $optvalue = '1';
- } elsif ((lc($optvalue) eq 'false') ||
- (lc($optvalue) eq 'off') ||
- (lc($optvalue) eq 'no')) {
- $optvalue = '0';
- }
- if (($optvalue eq '1') || ($optvalue eq '0')) {
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'default'} =
- $optvalue;
- }
- } elsif (($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'type'} eq
- 'int') ||
- ($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'type'} eq
- 'float')) {
- if (($optvalue =~
- m!^\s*[\+\-]?\s*[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*\s*$!) &&
- ($optvalue >=
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'min'}) &&
- ($optvalue <=
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'max'})) {
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'default'} =
- $optvalue;
- }
- } elsif (($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'type'} eq
- 'string') ||
- ($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'type'} eq
- 'password')) {
- $optvalue = Foomatic::DB::checkoptionvalue
- ($dest, $optname, $optvalue, 0);
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'default'} =
- $optvalue
- if defined($optvalue);
- } else {
- if (defined($dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'vals_byname'}{$optvalue})) {
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$optname}{'default'} =
- $optvalue;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (($option =~ /^no(.+?)$/) &&
- (defined($dest->{'args_byname'}{$1})) &&
- ($dest->{'args_byname'}{$1}{'type'} eq
- 'bool')) {
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$1}{'default'} = '0';
- } elsif ((defined($dest->{'args_byname'}{$option})) &&
- ($dest->{'args_byname'}{$option}{'type'} eq
- 'bool')) {
- $dest->{'args_byname'}{$option}{'default'} = '1';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub print_perl_combo_data {
- my ($config, $olddatablob) = @_;
- # Get the data
- if ($config->{'ppdfile'}) {
- # From PPD file
- my $dat = ppdtoperl($config->{'ppdfile'});
- if (!defined($dat)) {
- die ("Unable to open PPD file \'$config->{'ppdfile'}\'\n");
- }
- $db->{'dat'} = $dat;
- } else {
- # From Foomatic XML database
- my $possible = $db->getdat($config->{'driver'},
- $config->{'printer'});
- die "That printer and driver combination is not possible.\n"
- if (!$possible);
- die "There is neither a custom PPD file nor the driver database entry contains sufficient data to build a PPD file.\n"
- if (!$db->{'dat'}{'cmd'}) && (!$db->{'dat'}{'ppdfile'});
- # Generate the PPD and extract it to Perl again (to get in the
- # composite options)
- my $ppd = $db->getppd($config->{'shortgui'});
- delete ($db->{'dat'});
- $db->{'dat'} = ppdfromvartoperl([split(/\n/, $ppd)]);
- }
- # The data can be viewed with the option defaults of an existing
- # queue set
- if ($olddatablob) {
- my $c;
- @{$c->{'options'}} = ();
- for my $opt (@{$olddatablob->{'args'}}) {
- push (@{$c->{'options'}}, "$opt->{'name'}=$opt->{'default'}");
- }
- set_default_options($c, $db->{'dat'});
- }
- # User can view the data of the combo also with options given on the
- # command line
- set_default_options($config, $db->{'dat'});
- # Put it out
- my $asciidata = $db->getascii();
- $asciidata =~ s/\$VAR1/\$COMBODATA/g;
- print $asciidata;
- return;
- }
- sub detect_spooler {
- # If tcp/localhost:631 opens, cups CUPS is the most sophisticated
- # spooler, if it is running, it is usually the primary printing
- # system
- my $page = ($db->getpage('http://localhost:631/', 1) || "");
- if ($page =~ m!Common UNIX Printing System!) {
- return 'cups';
- }
- # PPR is also very sophisticated so check for this spooler if there is
- # no CUPS running.
- if (-x $sysdeps->{'ppr-ppr'}) {
- # There's a /usr/bin/ppr
- return 'ppr';
- }
- # Else if /etc/printcap, some sort of lpd thing
- if (-f $sysdeps->{'lpd-pcap'}) {
- # If -f /etc/lpd.conf, lprng
- if (-f $sysdeps->{'lprng-conf'}) {
- return 'lprng';
- } elsif (-x $sysdeps->{'lpd-bin'}) {
- # There's a /usr/sbin/lpd
- return 'lpd';
- }
- }
- # pdq executable in our path somewhere?
- for (split(':', $ENV{'PATH'})) {
- if (-x "$_/pdq") {
- return 'pdq';
- }
- }
- # If there is no known spooler, set up printers for direct, spooler-less
- # printing.
- return "direct";
- }
- sub unimp {
- die "Sorry, $action for your spooler is unimplemented...\n";
- }
- sub overview {
- print $db->get_overview_xml($opt_f);
- exit(0);
- }
- sub get_xml {
- my $x = undef;
- if (($opt_p) and ($opt_d)) {
- $x = $db->get_combo_data_xml($opt_d,$opt_p);
- } elsif ($opt_p) {
- $x = $db->get_printer_xml($opt_p);
- } elsif ($opt_d) {
- $x = $db->get_driver_xml($opt_d);
- } else {
- die "You must specify a -p printer and/or -d driver.\n";
- }
- if (defined($x)) {
- print $x;
- } else {
- die "Unable to find object.\n";
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- sub help {
- print STDERR <<EOH;
- Usage: $progname [ -s spooler ] -n queuename \\
- [ -N 'Name/Descr.' ] [ -L 'Location Info' ] \\
- [ -c connect ] \\
- [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ -f ] [ -w ] \\
- [ --ppd ppdfile ] \\
- [ -o option1=value1 -o option2 ... ] \\
- [ --backend-dont-disable=value ] \\
- [ --backend-attempts=value ] \\
- [ --backend-delay=value ] \\
- [ -q ]
- or $progname -C [ -s spooler ] -n queuename \\
- [ sourcespooler ] sourcequeue \\
- [ -N 'Name/Descr.' ] [ -L 'Location Info' ] \\
- [ -c connect ] \\
- [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ -f ] [ -w ] \\
- [ --ppd ppdfile ] \\
- [ -o option1=value1 -o option2 ... ] \\
- [ --backend-dont-disable=value ] \\
- [ --backend-attempts=value ] \\
- [ --backend-delay=value ] \\
- [ -q ]
- or $progname -D [ -s spooler ] -n queuename [ -q ]
- or $progname -R [ -s spooler ] -n queuename [ -q ]
- or $progname -Q [ -s spooler ] [ -n queuename ] [ -q ] [ -r ]
- or $progname -P [ -s spooler ] [ -n queuename ] [ -q ] [ N ]
- or $progname -P [ -s spooler ] [ -n queuename ] \\
- [ --ppd ppdfile ] [ -d driver -p printer ] \\
- [ -o option1=value1 -o option2 ... ] [ -q ]
- or $progname -O
- or $progname -X [ -p printer ] [ -d driver ]
- -n queuename Configure/create/delete/query this print queue
- -N Name/Descr. Long name/Short Description. An empty string ("") deletes
- the description.
- -L Location Short phrase describing this printer's location. An empty
- string ("") deletes the location.
- -c connection Printer is connected thusly (ex file:/dev/lp0), must
- be given when a new queue is created
- --ppd ppdfile Set up the queue using the PPD file ppdfile (can be a
- manufacturer-supplied PPD file for a PostScript printer).
- gzip-compressed PPD files are allowed, they must have the
- extension ".gz".
- -d driver Foomatic database name for desired printer driver or "raw"
- for a raw queue. When a non-raw queue is created, the
- printer must be specified in addition ("-p" option)
- -p printer Foomatic id for printer. When a non-raw queue is created,
- the driver must be specified in addition ("-d" option)
- -s spooler Explicit spooler type (cups, lpd, lprng, pdq, ppr, direct)
- -o option=value Use value as the default for option in this queue
- -o option Set the switch option by default in this queue
- --backend-dont-disable=value 1: Do not disable CUPS queue when backend
- fails, 0: Original CUPS behaviour, queue gets disabled
- when backend fails. Default: 0 (CUPS only)
- --backend-attempts=value Try that often when backend fails, for infinite
- retries set the value to zero, for standard CUPS
- behaviour to 1. Default: 1 (CUPS only)
- --backend-delay=value Delay in seconds between retries of failed backend.
- Default: 30 (CUPS only)
- -C [sourcespooler] sourcequeue Create a copy of a queue. All
- characteristics including default option settings are
- overtaken. Additional arguments modify the copy. This
- facility allows to overtake one's configured queues when
- one changes the spooler.
- -D Set this queue as the queue used by default.
- -R Remove this whole queue entirely (just give -n queuename)
- -Q Query existing configuration (gives XML summary). Supplying
- no queue name gives info about all installed queues for the
- current/selected spooler, including the default queue.
- -r list also remote queues (CUPS only).
- -P Query existing configuration (gives Perl data structure of
- the complete information about the queue, including
- options, possible choices, default settings, ..., for use
- by frontends, the output is done as a Perl array, one
- element per queue), With printer ID and driver name instead
- of queue name supplied the Perl data structure of the
- appropriate printer/driver combo is generated, supplied
- options are entered as default settings then, from a
- supplied queue the option default settings are used.
- Supplying no queue, printer, and driver gives info about
- all installed queues for the current/selected spooler.
- N The first index of the Perl array, default: 0
- -O Print XML Overview of all known printer/drivers
- -X Print XML data for -p printer and/or -d driver object
- -f Force rebuild of PPD file from database
- -w Generate PPD which is compatible to the CUPS PostScript
- driver for Windows (GUI strings are limited to 39 characters).
- This applies only to PPDs built from the Foomatic database, it
- has no influence on PPDs supplied with the "--ppd" option.
- -q Run quietly and non-interactive
- -h --help Show this help message
- #'# Fix emacs syntax highlighting
- exit 0;
- }